Could the end be near?

Jan 28, 2005 00:10

I'm contemplating closing up my LiveJournal. It just seems like nobody really cares about what I write and the fact is, I really don't have that much to write. I mean since I decided to stop being an attention whore about stuff like women and all that crap, I really haven't had much to talk about. I mean yeah I can still rant about wrestling and stuff but only a select few people will actually have the ability to interpret what I'm saying. And I suppose I could make small updates about how my day was and stuff but be fair, the only reason people read your LiveJournal is to see juicy stuff. They want to see you mad or upset or in some cases cutting your wrists and then posting about it on the Internet. Whatever the situation may be, the people read to see the big juicy stories and quite frankly, I just can't supply that anymore. I've just matured into a person where nothing really bothers me anymore and even if it does, it's not worth posting about because 10 minutes later I'm fine.

The other thing contributing to the closure of my LiveJournal is the rise of MySpace. It seems that at least in this area, everyone and there grandmother has one. And because of this, nobody really cares about LiveJournal anymore. And because of that, I feel no real need to have this open anymore. Ever since MySpace got really popular, a lot of people just decided to forget about LiveJournal and only play around with that as it appears MySpace has emerged on as the new e-fad. That's fine and I really don't have a lot of problems with that. Everything has to evolve in some sort of way or another and I guess right now it's time for the evolution of the Internet journal things and it's MySpace that is now the king. I suppose it's good timing as like I previously stated I really don't have anything to talk about anymore, or at least nothing good.

And with that my LiveJournal takes a similar route to ECW. It exits not with the boom it debuted with but instead it rides off peacefully into the night. The LiveJournal was an excellent source of stress relief for a long time and was just an awesome program to allow me just to vent about various things. I have a lot of history with my LiveJournal and a lot that has transpired that has made a significant update in my life is all archived within these entries. And for that, I will not delete my LiveJournal but rather leave it up so that if people want to, they can refer back to it and maybe I can even look back at how I used to be and how much I too have evolved just like the LiveJournal into what I am today.
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