(no subject)

May 18, 2006 14:48

Random note the first: major, major Jon Stewart love for his commandingly pwning interview with conservative author Ramesh Ponnuru, author of a new book actually called "The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life." He starts the interview by calling him on his hypocrisy right off the bat - snarking at him for getting whiny about the conservative view getting disrespected by the press while calling his frigging book "Party of Death" - and then destroys his entire argument by quoting Bush's rationale for opposing stem cell research, i.e. that he "doesn't support the taking of innocent life to save life," and then pointing out how utterly contradicted that is by the war in Iraq's horrifically high number of civilian casualties. The author didn't even get what he meant, originally, and started blathering on about how "well, in war, that happens." When he finally did understand, he had absolutely no answer for it. Beautiful.

The thing I found most disturbing about this guy was that he didn't mention women - you know, those people who actually have to go through the damn pregnancy? - even once, and a quick look at his book's table of contents doesn't look promising on that front. Apparently he doesn't stop to think that maybe we should have the decision-making power, here. Because it's absolutely the sort of difficult choice that's best left for unrelated male legislators to hand down. The modern Republican Party is in favor of small government in exactly the same way that Rush Limbaugh thinks we should be tough on drug addicts - in name only, no matter how loudly they talk about it.

Random note the second: My head-spinning horror/unintentional funny highlight of last week was when Bill O'Reilly had Ben Stein on his show and called him a socialist. Yes, the Ben Stein who was a speechwriter for for Nixon. And why? Because he was in favor of a slight tax increase for rich people to more adequately compensate active duty soldiers. This was definitely one of those laugh-or-else-weep-bitterly-for-how-far-our-country's-fallen moments.

Random note the third: Warren Ellis bough a year's worth of paid time for scans_daily. *is not embarrassingly squee-ish. at all.*
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