Nov 05, 2003 11:41
Can I be addicted to you?
Is that ok?
Don't be afraid of it
I care about you
I cant express it beyond
I adore you
Afraid to get hurt
like the last time
and the time before
You intoxicate me when you're there
thoughts consume me when you're not
Afraid it will end 'cause I care too much
Maybe this sounds silly to you
maybe it doesnt
I just know how I feel about you
and how I feel when I'm with you
Scared of walking away crying
Tears flowing down my cheeks
in violent waterfalls
making my eyes red and puffy
I would cry but I would try to hide it
so my sister wouldnt see or hear
that's what I do when I cry
This all is rambling
I havent written for a while
Scared to write my fears down
if I write them, are they more
or less likey to become reality?