The 268th Fail: Mass Compilation of What

Feb 16, 2011 19:17

I bet you guys will never guess how long I've been collecting these.

stubbornhealer: given mustard's histiry, i'm surprised he's still strong
Cynical Sialeeds: ...mustard?
Masamune: I did it
Masamune: I killed Mr. Boddy
Cynical Sialeeds: Colonel Mustard......?
Masamune: With the drop post
stubbornhealer: masa's history....

stubbornhealer: well you're thinking of fapping lilly so
Masamune: So it's kind of weirding me out.
Cynical Sialeeds: No, but my mind immediately went to Colonel Mustard anyway. 8D
stubbornhealer: it'll balance out
Cynical Sialeeds: ....
Masamune: ...
Cynical Sialeeds: .....I. I see.
Akai: ...
stubbornhealer: ... apping

Masamune: Who is randomly lesbian?
stubbornhealer: yosh
stubbornhealer: ... fen

stubbornhealer: thats happend raagj
stubbornhealer: rag
kokiaru: I'm not rag

stubbornhealer: and when sophie was born everyone got pink wangs
stubbornhealer: and everyone bitched about it for a week
alisa makora: ......
stubbornhealer: wings

Akai: silvie dropped right
stubbornhealer: yes aku
Akai: ....akai
stubbornhealer: 8|
Akai: :|

stubbornhealer: mana
stubbornhealer: msuan
stubbornhealer: masa
Akai: ....
stubbornhealer: masa

stubbornhealer: i meant, not in my pjs/lounging clothes
stubbornhealer: ...
stubbornhealer: *in
stubbornhealer: - not
stubbornhealer: but thats probably because i'm all layered
stubbornhealer: /kicks boots off
Kyio: hi tin
Kyio: ... *tiwt
Kyio: ...
Kyio: TWIN
Kyio: yes
Kyio: that
Kyio: that is how that word is spelled

Shikki Daemon: Leon is sad that Kyio doesn't love him as mucghcadsabvg
Kyio: ........
Shikki Daemon: .. ,mucgc\
Shikki Daemon: ,mucbh
Kyio: ...
thameowzy: loool
Kyio: Shikki
Shikki Daemon: /walks off

Shikki Daemon: YOU SUC MK
Shikki Daemon: ... suck

stubbornhealer: Masa, Lunch, KJ and a bunch of other people are older
stubbornhealer: Luna
Kyosuke: ....I would hope lunch isn't older than you.
griffinkhan: i'd be concerned if your lunch is -- yes

stubbornhealer: you have finally found the secret to delflating alicia
stubbornhealer: deflating
renegadeangel983: .........
stubbornhealer: defeating

stubbornhealer: you wanted to see the aku porn
stubbornhealer: ...
stubbornhealer: *ion
Kyosuke: ........................................................................
apocalypsetoll: .....
alisa makora: ......
Akai: ....
Akai: now the question is
Akai: was that really aku
Akai: or me

Masamune!: Where does it say that, Sapph
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ShiMaido: The profile.
stubbornhealer: on the cum profile, yeah
stubbornhealer: comm
stubbornhealer: ... also images arent loading
Masamune!: ... cum profile
stubbornhealer: but that might be loadj
stubbornhealer: leaj
stubbornhealer: lj
Masamune!: Akai, where are you
Masamune!: You're missing this

Akai: I always cum back for the fail.
apocalypsetoll: FFFF
croaseraph: ...oh my
Akai: ...
alisa makora: .............
alisa makora: /CRIES
alisa makora: /corbner

croaseraph: ypes are so yesterday for her
croaseraph: tyopes
croaseraph: typose
croaseraph: typoes
apocalypsetoll: ...typo tropes

vilyasage: d3 bowlcut
Shikki Daemon: you need him so much
vilyasage: d3
vilyasage: d3
vilyasage: 3. d.

Akai: I need him in several pieces maybe
vilyasage: i read
vilyasage: severla place
vilyasage: *places
vilyasage: much funnier that way

stubbornhealer: you're skyiping?
Akai: ...wat
stubbornhealer: spying
stubbornhealer: skyping
stubbornhealer: that

stubbornhealer: its okay to be oopsotte o tmat
stubbornhealer: appoes to math
greenbayonet: /scream!
stubbornhealer: opposed

croaseraph: spray yourself with hairpsry
croaseraph: hairpsray
croaseraph: hairspray

Shikki Daemon: ... comw rrot think of it all my character hsave fbreal ticsoi
Masamune: Oh
Masamune: Cool
griffinkhan: ...
Cynical Sialeeds: .....what
Masamune: I like your verbal tic, Shikki
Shikki Daemon: sahut up
Masamune: I don't think anyone else could pull it off
Shikki Daemon: B|
Shikki Daemon: no
Akai: aoooooooooooohh
Shikki Daemon: /SCREAM
Akai: except you didn't
Shikki Daemon: i'll qKW UP TMT meomtN
Akai: ....
greenbayonet: ...
Shikki Daemon: i'll wake up my roommate

Shikki Daemon: okTY NASPAR TIMES
Shikki Daemon: ... okay nap times

Shikki Daemon: /wzplowswa
Shikki Daemon: .EXPLODEES

Shikki Daemon: /GES TOT ANAP
Shikki Daemon: ... you know waht i jsut dont' catre
Shikki Daemon: i miss my comptuer

Akai: shikki just ges tot anap
Shikki Daemon: bye zz~
Akai: |D
Shikki Daemon: i'n nto givingy you anymore aao
Shikki Daemon: amo
greenbayonet: ...
griffinkhan: lmfao
Shikki Daemon: alamo
Akai: ...
Shikki Daemon: ... amo
greenbayonet: AND THE BAY OF....HAM?
Akai: /remembers the typo intead
Shikki Daemon: /crys
Shikki Daemon: ... cties\
Shikki Daemon: cries

Shikki Daemon: ... except no, i don't know ow ahyt atcpouelbetter
Shikki Daemon: could be
Shikki Daemon: better
Shikki Daemon: *anything

vilyasage: GUYS is ter still a tea ship
vilyasage: *ship
vilyasage: **shIP
vilyasage: house

derpisms: /steals kyo's cookies
derpisms: /eats the
derpisms: m
derpisms: hats
derpisms: *THEM
vilyasage: hat
vilyasage: s
vilyasage: lol
Kyosuke: I don't have cookies.
Kyosuke: So hah.
Kyosuke: ....Really, I don't. ):
derpisms: babees 8C
derpisms: *bimb
derpisms: *bummer
Akai: ...
derpisms: aooh
derpisms: 8|

alisa makora: The only peopel Frey won't ever get along with are openly sexist or racist indivduals. And That's because the Godwins are hating bastards and Frey hates their buts.
alisa makora: **buts
alisa makora: .....guts.
alisa makora: **people
Akai: ... :|
alisa makora: ;_;
firemirageaster: So it can't be toooo hard
alisa makora: \o/ Yup~
alisa makora: Frey's prone to getting alone with everyone.
alisa makora: HE'S TENKAI, BITCHES.
firemirageaster: alone xD
alisa makora: ...along.

Shikki Daemon: i'm apping helena
Shikki Daemon: she's vastly superiuor to asuwamna
Shikki Daemon: ... auamna
Shikki Daemon: .................. you know what i'm trying t say

Shikki Daemon: eeeee goldes
Shikki Daemon: .. giels
Shikki Daemon: giles

Shikki Daemon: did everyone go crazy while I was derp-- SCREA
Shikki Daemon: m
Shikki Daemon: scmrema
Shikki Daemon: .. scream

stubbornhealer: does anyone even realize she has a abbby
stubbornhealer: babby
stubbornhealer: baby

stubbornhealer: you're a mud, i'd hope so
stubbornhealer: mog
Masamune: I keep trying to claim that Sokka is Sophie's father figure
stubbornhealer: mod
Masamune: I knew before I became a mog mud
returnhope: moggle~
Azarann: .... *moogle
stubbornhealer: i was going to answer fatha but i dont think thats really wise
stubbornhealer: tatag
firemirageaster: You fail, Aza
stubbornhealer: tags

stubbornhealer: poor aku is a bot
stubbornhealer: .. well

tubbornhealer: so cow is the secret behind babble's eisstanec?
stubbornhealer: ecitestn
stubbornhealer: existance
stubbornhealer: kyo
Akai: 8|
Masamune: We were all bastards except for Kukki
stubbornhealer: bubble
stubbornhealer: bibble

stubbornhealer: its never too late for aku?
stubbornhealer: aoog
Kyosuke: I wouldn't let Bibble exist.
stubbornhealer: ahoog
stubbornhealer: aooh
stubbornhealer: oh
stubbornhealer: so what does bibble exist
stubbornhealer: *why

stubbornhealer: atgh it is too cold to think in this roof
stubbornhealer: orom
stubbornhealer: room

stubbornhealer: the only problem is that the love thing seems to have to be activated through the journal
stubbornhealer: but email is a special snowflake anyway
stubbornhealer: ameal
stubbornhealer: email
stubbornhealer: emil

Shikki Daemon: AKIA
Shikki Daemon: AKIA
Shikki Daemon: .. akai
stubbornhealer: ...
stubbornhealer: /so convufed
stubbornhealer: coufns
stubbornhealer: confuised
stubbornhealer: confused
Akai: ...

Shikki Daemon: and therrible things come of it
Shikki Daemon: ... tierbele
Shikki Daemon: ... terrible

Shikki Daemon: Nessie is rally cute
Shikki Daemon: rkealyn
Shikki Daemon: really

stubbornhealer: who is harzuka paired with
stubbornhealer: ahruai
stubbornhealer: kharie
stubbornhealer: haruhi

stubbornhealer: trying tolisten to museic isnt helping
stubbornhealer: with my brothr lbcasting his sonic
Kyosuke: ...
stubbornhealer: i guess trying to type isn't helping either

Kyosuke: Sapph, if you have a headache
Kyosuke: Go lie down.
stubbornhealer: i am laiing down
stubbornhealer: layning
stubbornhealer: laying

stubbornhealer: twin who is yiriar ending up with anyway
stubbornhealer: i thought raven at first but then he posted
stubbornhealer: ruriat
stubbornhealer: yuria
stubbornhealer: yir=
stubbornhealer: YRUII
stubbornhealer: yuri

stubbornhealer: one hand was like
vilyasage: ...
stubbornhealer: idk
stubbornhealer: displeased
stubbornhealer: displaced(
Cynical Sialeeds: Displeased indeed.
vilyasage: hahaha]
vilyasage: my left had was DISPLEASED

stubbornhealer: akau its proably
stubbornhealer: like
firemirageaster: Do it, Akai.
stubbornhealer: too big for one bpst
stubbornhealer: post

stubbornhealer: this is why you should have woke up more than five mutnetus orseiar
stubbornhealer: minutes earlier

stubbornhealer: night alfuaf
stubbornhealer: laufa
stubbornhealer: lunail
renegadeangel983: ...........
stubbornhealer: luna

stubbornhealer: h i acow
Akai: you wish.
stubbornhealer: caor
stubbornhealer: kaai
stubbornhealer: aia
stubbornhealer: akai
Akai: no no sapph, it's aku, get the typo right.

hand was displeased, sapph for god's sake, deflating alicia, mucghcadsabvg, kyo = cow, fail: alisa, luna = lunch, babble bubble, remember the alamo, yosh is randomly lesbian, email the snowflake, too big for one bpst, masa is a mud mog mod, typo tropes, aku is now ion!?, fail: kyio, raaj = rag, on the cum profile, is this english, tea ship, akai is a mean lady, wangs, frey hates their buts, fail: sapph, i need him in several places, hats babees, fapping lilly, my character hsave fbreal ticsoi, aoog, akai = aku, ow ahyt atcpouelbetter, fail: mega, fatha tatag, masa = who again, tin twit, its okay to be oopsotte o tmat, fail: unkie, shikki has a lisp, shikki for god's sake, fail: shikki, don't call me a cow, fail: vil, the fsail is sdapphs fault

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