[OOC] Profile Meme for Somarium

Jul 31, 2008 22:45

[Character Name] Sabel
[Canon] Dragon Knights

[Age] Can be fudged.
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Het waiting on Rim |D

[Eye Color] Light green
[Hair Color] Light sea green with a lock of white mesh on the left side
[Height] iunno like 5'9/5'10?
[Other] Since its his spirit form, he doesn't have the bindings/restraints/line-thingies that would normally be on his body.
[Clothing] His normal clothes :O

[Background] Sabel was originally part of the Faerie Tribe, and was probably one of the higher ranked faeries/elves/whatever-you-want-to-call-them. He was also supposed to be the original Water Dragon Knight, but no thanks to the Demon Lord Nadil, he was captured while investigating voices he was hearing in the Water Realm and not only did Nadil removed his Power of Virtue, the very essence of a faerie, Nadil also supplanted his own powers into Sabel and removed Sabel’s memories. It was at around this time that Galaba and Varawoo were created, but the Water Dragon who was still sealed in the Water Realm managed to seal Varawoo with him. Galaba, and the later a small butterfly thing named Meteaura, were both used to help contain Sabel’s power. [Note: all of this is revealed in volume 23]

Since then, Sabel has worked under Nadil, gathering corpses and making soul puppet soldiers out of them to help strengthen and protect Nadil’s castle. He is the one who essentially created the Sea of Souls that surrounds Nadil’s castle and rules over the Forest of the Damned, a forest filled with zombies soulless corpses that will try and take a living person’s soul who happens to wander in there.

Because he has Nadil’s powers at his disposal, Sabel also has the ability to traverse between realms: Dusis, Kainaldia, and the Spirit Realm, or Realm of the Dead, whatever you want to call it. Because of this, Tetheus orders the Dragon Knights to try and find him so they can travel to Kainaldia and rescue Cesia and confront Nadil for a final showdown that doesn’t happen until like 13-14 volumes later. He thus encounters the trio while manipulating the corpse of Kuon Shiina and also steals the Water Dragon. He feels and odd connection to the dragon, and of course Water doesn’t exactly try to fight against him. This would be like a hint to true nature of Sabel, but yeah I already explained it already >O>;

During his fight with the Knights, Thatz managed to steal Meteaura. Which pissed him off greatly. But during another battle between him and Rath in an attempt to get Meteaura back (pffft trade? Yeah right.), Sabel discovers that Rune is a faerie.

And faeries = doom for him.

Due to a curse/restraint/whatever that was placed on him to help seal his memories, whenever Sabel came near anyone from the faerie tribe, all hell basically breaks loose for him. He’ll feel a great amount of pain and flashes of his memories will go through his mind. Also, if there isn’t anyone around him to like pull him away or if he can’t avoid them, his powers will go berserko.

…I’m starting to get a little too detailed and this is getting long. So I’m going to a bit less detailed >_>

After meeting Nadil after his first little mishap of FAERIE LIGHT OF DOOM, he is sent off to collect more corpses with the help of the Black Thunder Demon, which he reeeally doesn’t like because it makes a mess out of perfectly good corpses. We can’t have soldiers with missing limbs, now can we? It takes the “WTF BUT YOU WERE DEAD” factor out and makes them more…zombieish >\

He encounters other people, like Kitchel and Tintlet, though Tintlet recognizes him and chases after him, much to his utter dismay. He also later fights Tetheus, and then fights him again after literally crashing into the Sanctuary. It is there that Tintlet finally manages to catch up to him and tell him the truth, which triggers his memories to finally fully come back, sending him into a bit of a daze and severely weak because of the curse (way to go Tintlet -o-). After both Rune and the Water Dragon appear before him (Water had sensed his reawakening and teleported them there), he falls into a coma, though everyone thinks he’s dead. It is then revealed that Sabel is actually the key to awakening the demon of super doom, Yusurugi, which had been sealed in another dimension.

Due to Thatz’s utter fail at figuring out that Sabel was the key, Fedelta pierces Sabel’s body and the poor guy is absorbed into the demon beast’s body. He’s rescued, and again assumed dead, or at least close to it, but they protect him anyway as they know he is the real Water Dragon Knight.

During his coma state, Alfeegi as a Death Faerie appears before him and sends Sabel’s spirit out on a mission to traverse through the realms to find Tetheus. He would then be sent out on another trek to find the one thing that would be able to defeat Yusurugi: the Diamond Clover.

And that’s where I’m picking him out >> He has all his memories!

[Personality] Even though he used to be a faerie and was probably a lot more calm and cool-headed, Sabel still acts like his old demon self: loud, obnoxious, cheerful, spazztic, a prankster, and hates anything boring. He will either make things less boring or just go away.

He also hates to lose. He will never admit defeat. He will instead declare the person boring and run away leave >_> He has a bit of an ego, though he’s somewhat confused on how to feel at the moment. I mean, he just learned that he was actually taken in to be used as a tool and he’s been fighting the people he was supposed to help protect.

BUT~! That doesn’t stop him from having his fun, spazztic personality. He can get annoyed easily, and a bit of a loudmouth. He may have been a faerie before, but he’s lived the life of a demon for so long, it’s kind of stuck on him. So while he may not like demons as much anymore, he would pretty much prefer his “current” lifestyle over those boring faeries >O>

He can be serious, and he knows what’s the right thing to do. But he can still be stupid. Cute and stupid.

Sabel can also be very loyal to things he really likes. He gets clingy. And if he wants something, he will try and find a way to get it. Even if it means stealing it. Like the Water Dragon.

Oh, and he tends to investigate anything that looks interesting. In other words, he’s a very curious person and is not hesitant to stick his nose into other people’s business.

[Specialties/Abilities] Whether he’s a demon or a faerie, he still has the ability to manipulate water and can use it in forms of attacks. He can also create his sword via solidifying the water to a hardened edge.

I am not sure if he can use his Power of Virtue at this point. Technically it’s just his spirit to begin with. But since upon regaining his memories, it’s quite possible that some of his powers are slowly returning to him. *shrugs*

He’s a pretty good fighter. Oh and can manipulate the dead. But that’s kind of useless here since there are like. No corpses. Lolololool.

[Affection] Uh....Jee. He would probably kind of spazz a bit because he's not really used to that sort of things. HOWEVER, he will torment certain people via hugging them/teasing them. It's just amusing and fun |D

[Fighting] Feel free to pick fights with him if he doesn't first xD; He's a pretty good fighter. But don't kill him D: Least not without talking about without me (people already think he's dead or close to it u_u)

[Other Facts] For some reason I always assumed he was a good cook. I don't know why.

Uh...he reeeally likes watery things .So he'll probably want to try and like tame a sand shark as a replacement for Galaba. lololol.

somarium, profile, ooc

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