(no subject)

Oct 03, 2005 04:53


Pain. Lots of pain. I hate being female. That's /it/. Tomorrow I'm calling to make an appointment to see someone about my incredibly painful periods and my much-too-large chest.

I have been having cramps for four DAYS. That was even BEFORE I got my actual period. Now it's fucking /unbearable/, and I'm not even /bleeding/ that much! *cries* Make it stop! I'm going to see what I can do about that, and also about possibly getting a breast reduction. I'd like to be a sensible B-cup rather then a DDD or whatever the hell I am.

In other news....not much happening. Can't sleep because of the pain. Maybe I'll clean up my computer and try to install Poser 6 again. I couldn't get the damn thing to install last time.

I /could/ write..... Meh. Like anyone cares if I write. :p
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