Apr 20, 2004 23:53
Stole this from Chicken Boi.
10 bands you've been listening to a lot lately:
-The beautiful mistake
-Senses Fail
-Boys Night Out
-Evergreen Terrace
-As I lay Dying
-The Postal Service
-Dead Poetic
-Cool Hand Luke
-Norma Jean
09 things you're looking forward to:
- Money
- Putting an end to something very un-productive
- Meeting the new drummer for the emo core band i can't wait to start.
- Summer
- Sleeping in
- Going to the beach
- Going to charleston
- Summer School
- Unscrewed w/ Martin Seargent
08 things you like to wear:
- etnies
- tight shirts (damn you chicken boi. i write something and look down and there you have it.)
- jeans
- a grin
- the silver element belt eric gave me. i miss him.
- corts old hurley shirt. good times...
- pink (gets me a lot of attention. that's nice every now and then :P )
- semi tight jeans. comfy... i even sleep in them.
07 things that annoy you:
- how oreos get stale after staying out in the air for 5 minutes. yet the package is unsealable once opened.
- turtle cop
- opposers of the btyc
- shamers
- crappy musicians that are self proclaimed prodigies.
- wiggers.
- chicken boi's whining <3
06 things you say most every day:
- "Dude! It was so awesome."
- "Let's get naked."
- "Have you heard that band [whatever]"
- "I'll kill you."
- "This blows donkey balls."
05 things you do every day:
- reminisce
- doubt people
- strike corey
- laugh at andrew when he freaks out, because he's an idiot.
- sleep in 4th period and still have the highest grade. fucking illiterate morons.
04 people you want to spend more time with:
- hmm... someone ^_^
- Hea. I miss her.
- Corey. We should be brothers anyways... he loves pissing me off.
- Ashly
03 movies you could watch over and over again:
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- The Butterfly Effect
- Super Troopers
02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
- Boys night out - Just once
- The Early November - Something that produces results
01 person you would spend the rest of your life with:
- How should I know? Maybe I'll find someone in the next few years.
Anyways... got off of work at 10:30 tonight. It's now 11:50 and I should be in bed. But hell... why not stay up!
New waitress at Olive Branch. my my my 0.0 lord.
Ok , I'm going now. goodnight.
ex'es and oh's.