sixteen {video

Jul 17, 2011 01:41

[One might recognise, through the nighttime gloom, that Sheik is in the graveyard. He leans on a marker, amidst a strange little cluster of four identical headstones. His lyre looks grey rather than gold in the light, but this time, he isn't playing any music. After a moment of staring off at something unseen (he seems little troubled by the things known to haunt the cemetary) he recites in a soft, clear voice:]

I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.

[A pause. He turns to eye the camera. His tone is cool, moreso than usual - distant, and distracted.] It's the new riddle, in the crypt. Ironic, really. The world is always moving.

oh bitterness, sheikah need no comfort, friends will be the death of me

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