Random Bit of Happy

Nov 04, 2009 00:14

Looking over the Charm City Roller Girl Packet that I got sent, I read this:

White Star/Tryout 
o All women trying out for the league must pass this assessment to be
accepted onto the league;
o Requirements:  22 laps in 5 minutes, form, balance, crossovers, stops,
falls, whips, pushes and pack skating;
o Blocking, Pack skating, pack speed are introduced

And the first thing I thought of was "22 laps in 5 minutes? That's cake!"

The rest of the stuff I have to work on I do worry about....but I feel really amazing knowing that that's the first thought that popped into my head because it shows how far I've come as a skater in the past 11 months and that makes me really happy.

Tryouts are in three weeks (and so is my birthday). I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully, third times the charm.
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