Oct 22, 2002 14:19
ORGASM noise! lol Casey you know what I'm talking about...Anyway. *coughcough* I'm sorry I wasn't at school everyone, lack of sleep and several other things finally caught up with me. My parents thought I had already left this morning when in reality I was still in bed sleeping. I woke up about half an hour ago, and now I'm eating yummy frozen yogurt and watching LOTR! Yay! But now I have work to catch up on tommorow which is the last thing I need.
Band concert last night! Haha...everyone want to read my funny story? Sure you do...and if you've already heard, then just skip over this part.
I came home. The door is locked. My key which was just cut does not work which we had found out the day before. I'm wearing a top which is basically mesh, very thin pants and my cloak. It is freezing outside. I got home at 4:15 and I sat huddled on my deck until 5:15. Then my neighbour got home. I went to his house and got something to eat. By this time it is now 6:17, I'm supposed to be at the concert at 6:30. Crap. I'm also wearing heeled shoes, great. Now I have to pop the screen pry the window open climb through my old bedroom window on the third floor using a ladder. I fell in on top of all my brothers toys, ouch. I ran downstairs, changed and got my saxophone ready, THEN my parents come in the door. My mom goes upstairs to change and we get in the car and it is already 6:40. We made it to the school in under ten minutes. Fun! Yay! The End.
Isn't that funny everyone?! Yes...got home did homework..blah blah blah..I took Scrappy out for a walk last night which was pretty, very cold but pretty. I had my discman on too which made it very enjoyable. Pretty stars! I really like walking by myself at night and listening to music. It blocks everything out and I can just look at the sky...meepu, anyway I was in a very bad mood last night even though I was happy. Too many things on the mind lately. Yes, now I have to go find 50-100 pieces of single-variable data for my math project...