Sep 03, 2008 15:44
-River Trip was awesome! It does cost money and the ride to Luaghlin is long but it's totally worth it. I think the logistics need some work next time to prevent morning frustrations, I did share some of my ideas with the Foxes and I think the next time will run a bit smoother. The drama was also kept pretty low on my end(do I ever have drama?) and everything went well. I suggest going next time the call is given out espicially if you haven't ridden a wave runner before, it's a great expirence.
-Comic Con was definatley cool. Seeing a nerd dress up party that consisted of tens of thousands of people was great, Cat and I bought some pretty rad shirts. I think I'm actually going to plan to do some of my yearly clothing shopping there. Cat and I also had a blast kicking with Byron and our new friend Holly. And for the second time in a row I was subject to Byron's false directions on the way to party. Nara also showed up for a while and we kicked around this hooka bar. Which there are pictures of, send me your pictures byron!
-San Fran was interesting in a good way. I flew up there with Dan and stayed with my sister the first night. The next we visited Berkley and visited Benage and Kaitlyn. We explored the wounder that is Kaitlyn's co-op and was Ben's co-op. It's pretty much the biggest hippie fest ever and was fun just to chill in. For those that don't know a co-op is like dorms or a frat house. A bunch of people live together in a dorm enviroment and do all the cooking and cleaning. Met some of Dans friends up there, namely Nicole who drove us around and gave us a mini tour of SF and Adrelle(spelt rong no doubt) who made us french toast. We also visited Hannah Ruskin on her birthday in doloras park, I think it's great that I found a park I can drink openly in.
-Young Adult Event was something I had some reservations about. But it was a gamble that paid off. I'd say the average age was 25 and that most people were pretty cool. I definitely made some new friends over the weekend(going places seems to do that) that I hope to see again at further events. I'd recommend any ex-YRUUers to at least give it a shot, it's not as awe inspiring as camp was but then again what could be? Anyone who knows my friends group and is interested in finding out what it was that made us some awesome this would be a good thing to go to. The age range is 18-35 and I'd highly recommend to anyone reading this. One thing I didn't anticipate was how short my tolerance for hippie bullshit had gotten. I was able to survive the weekend though and I found it pretty easy to just ignore or not participate in things that pissed me off.
-Cold War Party hasn't happened yet but it will soon. The 13th to be precise, I sent out invites to everyone but I heard that some people didn't get anything, so if you pay attention to my blog then I guess this is your invite, heres the link with all the info:
-Still not working and it might be another couple of weeks, now that all my vacations are done for the summer I wouldn't mind some work. So if you need electrical work done or have some other stuff you think I might do then go ahead and let me know.
May Thor Donkey Punch your Enemies,