Apr 18, 2008 18:01
Over all things are going well in the world of Neil, a good example of this would be my steady employment which has been keeping me busy and my wallet full. I was fearful that this being a slow year in the construction industry I would make little money. I’ve hit a stroke of luck in that I’ve fallen in with a decent company and a foreman that goes out of his way to keep me busy.
As one of the snazzy benifits of this employment I’ve decided to go to Wacken(big German metalfest) again this year. I figured while I’m there I’ll hit up Denmark along the way. As a good omen to prove how great of an idea this is one of the guys that I met while traveling last year contacted me and wants to go to Wacken together. So I have money, a travel partner and Satan willing, the ability to get off of work. If you’ve lived in or traveled to Denmark hit me up, I’d really like to get some perspective.
I guess the next big thing would be my audiocast (www.powerforgeradio.com). It’s been very successful in terms of support from my friends, quality improvement and fun. However the ratings are still pretty low even after 10 episodes(averages about 30 downloads per episode). Perhaps it’s best that the auidence stays low while I work out the bugs, theres still plenty of things I intend to try.
I plan to get some flyers made up soon featuring this classy audiocast along with Zoe’s cast(www.swingingwakeradio.com). If anyone knows a good place to get them printed up(just black and white, no gloss) let me know. And as a reward I will give you two of them(most people only get one!). Between Mike’s awesome art skills and Jenn’s webmastering ability I’ll have this thing world famous in no time.
The new house it working out great(at least for me). The location is prime and things are going well with all the roomates(probably because I havn’t started walking around naked yet, that starts next month). The interior still needs work in terms of decoration and furniture/optimal electrontics setup. Things slowly improve though and you will eventuly come to despise me for undeservingly possessing a house of virtual paradise.
Perhaps I will have more later, and perhaps I will update me blog more frequently.