Things that happen to Neil

Dec 29, 2007 00:30

Been a while hookers.

Things have been a little slow lately in construction and as a result i've been working less.  Which i guess is ok, i make enough money to live but I have a decent amount of time off so it's a nice balance.  I would like to get enough money to finish paying off the rest of my debts from traveling and pay my dad back a decent amount but I guess the Norns haven't woven it in yet.

I've been taking capoeria recently and it's been killing the fuck out of my feet.  Part of the reason being that on my left foot my big toe is pretty deformed(yes i guess I'm a freak) and it's causing pretty severe pain.  This forcing me to consider the less hardcore route of wearing shoes during training which I wanted to avoid but is becoming more nesisary every time i go.  Another downfall of working less is that I dont' think i can afford to train in capoeria this month(jan) due to money reasons.  Halfway through the month I could probably do it but thats kinda alot of money for 2 weeks of training.

I've been talking with Dom alot recently about starting up my own podcast and it looks like it'll start to happen mid january.  I might need some help with setting up a website and some other things so if you'd like to voulnteer that would be great.  The theme we've settled on so far is aggressive or active music leaning toward stuff you don't normally hear on the radio(metal, Industrial, Noise ect.....).  If your have ideas or want in let me know and maybe we can work something out.

Gaming: Warmachine/Hordes is awesome, we have a decent sized league and everyone is pretty cool.  let me know if your interested you can totally borrow my stuff.  Right now the only other gaming I'm doing is playtesting "EP" with Brian and  I"m really liking it and I fully intend to play in/run a game of it when it comes out.

I spent X-Mas in Vegas.  My family doesn't really drink or gamble(aside from myself and my sister) so it seemed like an odd thing for my parents to suggest.  It ended up being really fun, My girlfriend and Ryan were able to come and we got drunk at the Star Trek bar a couple times which lead to me throwing up at one point.  Other than that nothing really crazy happened, I got some pretty cool stuff this year Including a DethKlok shirt from Allie some hiking boots from my parents, an uber stein from my girlfriend(you really have to see it), a book about "The Big Lebowski"(I never knew that some many people felt the same way I did about that movie), some cool homemade goggles from sylvia, a needed tape measure from sean and some other cool stuff.

Moving is still in the works but I'm being a picky wench(I can afford to be), right now it looks like I'll be moving in with Bennage, Ambar and KT.  Where  we are not sure but we have some leads.

If your in town for the holidays give me a call so we can hang out.

Rock Hard Hookers
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