What has neil been up to?

Sep 22, 2007 17:18

nothing to exciting.

Started playing tennis once or twice a week. It's not my favorite sport but I've been really craving some form of sport. What I really want to do is either capoeira or kick boxing. After getting a demonstration in Berlin from a guy Cat and I made friends with I'm really interested in doing capoeira, at least for a while. I'm waiting to clear up my vacation debt before doing this though, so I'll have to settle with tennis for a while.

Warning Gamer Stuff
As far as gaming goes I havn't been doing too much WoW, all the people I used to play with dont' play anymore on my server and LFG is a long shot at best for getting a group. If anyone is part of a largeish, PVE horde guild let me know, if things look good I might be willing to transfer servers.

Havn't been doing anything in the way of table top RPGs for a long while, had several stop and start games earlier in the year, but nothing substantial. I'd like to try a DeGenesis game when the book comes out in usa. Also let me know what games are going on and when. I'd really like to get in one.

I've been playing a lot of Warmachine/Hordes recently and it' been fun and if you want to play let me know, i have a bunch of stuff so you could try it out or play with no investment. Been playing friday evening and sunday early afternoon. let me know.
End Gamer Stuff

Im looking for 1-3 people to volunteer for bartender duty at The cold war party, it'd be awesome and you'd be my hero.

I'm also interested in learning some new drinking games, preferably ones that involve teams, embarrassment, and violence. If you know of games like these please send me a message/link.

Re reading transmetropoltian, it's still my favorite thing ever and I think i've loaned out my copies to almost 10 people now. They get around almost as much as irish prostitutes.

I'm not working nights right now but I probably will in the next couple weeks, so enjoy me during the nights while you can.

also, if something cool is going on tonight you should tell me. Now.
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