Jul 12, 2008 23:17
Okay, so The Plan is to wait for the gushing I-love-Edward-Cullen-and-I-love-my-evil-twin-for-introducing-me-to-him post when I'm finished with all three of the current Twilight saga books. Which... really isn't that far away. New Moon was completed Wednesday, Eclipse was started Thursday, and I'm about 200 pages from the end. I fully expect (and intend) to finish it by tomorrow evening afternoon late morning.
But before I make the long post at the completion, I just have to gush for a few seconds about how freakin' adorable Edward is, despite the whole vampire thing --
Edward wants to wait to have sex until he is married, because he wants to hold on to at least that one virtue!! And he wants Bella to remain virtuous in that sense too!! How adorably cute is that?? The Let's-Make-Love scene gave me major, major issues the further along it went, and then all the sudden I was giggling at the adorableness that is Edward! He's a century-old vampire, and yet he's still a teenager from the early 1900s, when it was a major faux pas to do the dirty before marriage. I'm assuming there won't be a wedding before the end of Eclipse, so there better be some good wedding and wedding night scenes in Breaking Dawn, dammit!!
This saga is even more freakin' addictive than the stories I dug up in my fanfic days... and that's saying a lot!
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