Convergence 20 - VIVA CONVERGENCE!

May 03, 2014 16:13

I don't even know where to begin with this. C20 was an overwhelming success, far better than we had ever imagined. We had modest expectations, but we never could've predicted the outcome. We wanted to revitalize Convergence, and invested heavily into making it an event people wanted to come to, because we all believed it still has relevance even 20 years later. So many of us still chat with people we've not met on FB, twitter,etc... and still would like to meet them.

So many of my old friends, I haven't seen for 10 years or more showed up. So many of the younger gothlings, made new friends. It's very satisfying to see that fire in their eyes, that overwhelming bliss of being around people who understand you.

The bands were not just chosen for their appeal, and talent, but for the personalities of the members, who would blend well with our Core Group. All of the bands, except March Violets (who loved the crowd and some of the members are on the alt.gothic fb group now), have either been part of Convergence at some point (Like Sunshine Blind), attended convergence at some point (all the Chicago bands) or attended similar social gatherings like the WGT "When We Were Young" After Parties or Whitby. While March Violet were awesome and had the biggest Draw, Pretentious Moi?, IMO, Gets "Best of Show" The crowd Loved them, despite being completely unknown on this side of the pond. But Tim is a very likable fellow, and was at C10 when he Played with Manuskript.

The djs and fashion designers also were chosen for not just their talent, but for their history with the Event. This has always been the "Chicago Model" the little convergence in the Big Event, even the 1st one (Unknowingly) followed this model. We seed the talent pool with our friends, because we know a lot of them make their living in goth (& related interests) as musicians, artists, designers, independent business owners, authors, etc..

If they can justify coming as a business expense, they will most likely come. Fross dj'd because we gave him a dj gig, as did Sailor Gloom, and Arcanus. Zoh Security and Houston Batty Came, because they were in the Fashion show and they brought their friends, models, clients, and fans.

The Real Testimony of C20's success is in the Creation of the Alt.gothic FB group. For the 1st time since 2002, we are all under one roof again. I hate facebook, but we are all connected, 710 members in 3 days, and it's a buzz with all the fluff, intellect, sincerity of the days of old. The interface does not matter as long as we have connectivity, and now we have it.

C21 will be pivotal to the future of Convergence and I am hoping that some of the Bids include people who won't destroy all the enthusiasm we've generated. I'm really trying to find someone from Philadelphia to put in a bid, because of all the cities in the US, Philly would be best for this very important Convergence, due to it's location and relatively lower cost of living.

Viva Convergence!

PS: Come Join Us on the Alt.gothic FB group
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