Travel Log New York New York

Dec 07, 2010 11:03

I stayed at the Murray Hill Inn near 30th & 3rd, a pretty good location ftmp. The staff was really, really, nice and helpful, but that's where the praise ends for this place. It was cheap & cheerful ($99), and overall the room was clean, but the walls were paper thin and I forgot to bring my earplugs. The red wine splattered on the wall was blood-like when dried. Didn't mind it though, and would probably stay again (w/earplugs).

I noticed so many more bicycles in NYC, and tons more electric bicycles. I wanted to rent a bicycle, but really had very little time to explore this. It was non-stop from the moment I landed.

I've taken up running wherever I go as a means of transportation, just enough so I don't get sweaty, which is about ~mile @ ~10min pace. NYC is much smaller on the run.

I went out for after-work drinks with Micol at Bar 41 near Time Square. It's your standard, dimly lit, sit down & talk NYC lounge with a long wall of small tables for two and bathrooms with odd shaped sinks, something unique to NYC.

We headed over to Pukk's for Thai food with Hilary and bs'd over some pretty decent food. I ordered the "Son-in-Law Tofu" just b/c of the name.

Ran back up to catch Killing Joke @Irving Plaza. They totally killed. Great Show. They didn't miss a beat. Crowd was a total sausage party, strange. Android Lust opened. I like some of their stuff, but they completely blew chunks live. Sound was mixed down, little effects on her voice made her sound like a shrieking child.

I ended up meeting some Chicago folks and NYC friends at Absolution which was pretty lame. The music was standard EBM ftmp. It was in a basement, poles on the dancefloor and all. There was some guy drama w/someone I know, but I'm on vacation. I am exempt from engaging. We stayed out until 6am, which was probably a mistake.

Saturday, it was non-stop meetups with old friends.

12:30p Aimee @ Peacefood Cafe for coffee and vegan chocolate Croissants
2:30p Sarah & Elizabeth for brunch @
Cafe Blossom Went to their Swank apt after.
5:30p Drinks with Shea & Ian at some fancy Cocktail bar modeled after an English Officers club in Burma during the Colonization era.
8p - Dinner with Hilary @Zen Palate. Afterward we headed out to Nekromantic @ Bowery Poetry Club. Ran into more friends. Music was much better, but I ended up getting drunk and bs'ing all night. Same person different guy drama. I ignore. I am quite good at that. Stayed at Hilary's the rest of the weekend, for which I am indebted to her. She's awesome all around.

Sunday, more vegan eats with Hilary. Curley's for brunch, Vegan Cashew Ice Cream later in the afternoon. We went to a Burlesque show in the evening where Hilary's friend Margo was performing. Saw some pretty entertaining numbers, and saw my 1st male burlesque dancer. Didn't know what to make of it, other than he was not fully covered and had only tinsel wrapped around his wiener. Can't say I enjoyed it.

Hilary, Margo & I all went out for more vegan food @Kate's Joint. We ate a boatload of blackbean & daiya cheese quesadillas, not meat lover's pizza, unturkey club sandwiches, etc...

Overall, it was just what I needed, to be in the company of good friends. I've really been crazy lately and it's good to have some friends provide an anchor and help put things in perspective.

I have more good friends in NYC than I do in Chicago right now. NYC is the only place besides Chicago, I think I could live and thrive. It's always a place where you can do more and find people who do more. If only the rent weren't so damn high! It would cost about 5x what I pay in chi. for a place that would be acceptable to me.

I've accumulated a sizable chunk of change, enough to start my own business without a business loan. I just need to get up the guts to just say fuckit and do it. It'll happen soon. I'm just making sure I've got all my bases covered.

Still Don't know where I'm going to spend NYE, b/c it's the 1st year my mom is gone & I don't know what my family wants to do, but if I get the go ahead, NYC is on the top of the list. 2011 is going to be a great year. Everything is just looking awesome.


nyc travel

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