Here are my pictures finally from Tech band camp! :) Such a fun week. I was 3rd chair, 2nd band.
This time I flew by American Airlines (vs Southwest last year) because I planned to sit next to Angel, but he ended up not coming to camp after I booked the flight. :P But Cameron and Chase got on that flight with me.
It was really cloudy in the Dallas area, but it was clear closer to Lubbock. It was fun though flying thru the clouds. :)
So we get to the little airport and load onto the shuttle bus with our luggage on another bus. We wait a while for the next flight to come in to fill up the shuttle.. then sat there for a long time.
So, when we got onto campus, Jennifer found us at the bus stop and I went up to our dorm with her and unpacked. I got my euphonium and music and met Chase and Cameron down stairs outside the dorms and waited for Jennifer's mom to drop us off at the SUB (Student Union Building)/Music Building.
At the SUB, we took our ID picture, got our registration packet, and everything else we needed, then auditioned. I was the second to last euphonium to audition. :P Haha. But it was fun. We met Greg, who was the Student Officer who was the room monitor. If we basically talked, he'd be like "You need to calm down." It was funny though. I had a lot of time to kill outside the audition room and he pretty much though I was a big freak because I mentioned how I looked on the TMEA website at the euphoniums who made All State to see which ones of them went to Tech last year, and who would be my competition this year maybe... Haha. Yeah.
OH! And in my audition, it was funny because there was Karl Krause and this other guy, I don't know his name. But Karl was "I remember you from last year.. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing." (I had a terrible audition last year!! ;( Didn't take the time to learn the etude, just would practice it by trying to play thru it) anyway. So I tell him it's good and I practiced a lot this year. :) But that's not important, because after I start playing some warm up notes, the other guy says something about "OH, you're YouTube girl!" xD I was like "WTF??" and remembered that video I posted asking for advice on the etude. Then he says how he was waiting to hear my audition. Some how I mention I got a scholarship to Baylor Band Camp from YouTube and Karl made the funniest face when I said that, and tried to explain it.. But yeah, that was fun.
We had a lot of time to kill, where we walked to the dorms, walked back to see if results were up, but they'd be up after dinner, so we had to walk all the way back.
And the first night dinner has the longest line ever.
Cameron made friends though with the girls infront of us because she had an iPhone, so he started talking with her and we nicknamed her iPhone. Her name is Jenna but we always called her iPhone.
Cameron took some grapes from the dining hall for us to feed him, lol.
We started waiting for results. But it was funny because there was this bench in front of the wall they were posting most the results, so we just sat there, and no one even noticed us because they were only looking at the results.. haha.
Oh, and while sitting there, this one kid goes "Oh, are you PlanoSarah? That kind of freaked me out for a moment until I realized it was actually someone I met on YouTube before the camp, haha :P
And euphoniums were one of the dead last to be posted. :P You'd think it'd be quick with only like around 25 euphoniums versus like 75 trombones and all those biggest sections that were posted earlier. :P
But I left to go with Amanda so she could schedule her lesson, and when Dr Wass was asking which band she made, she said she didn't know yet, but Karl was there and told her she made band 2, and he also told me I made band 2 as well. Whoop. And later when it was posted, Amanda made second chair, I was third chair. There were three euphoniums per band.
Amanda and her roomie Sarah. I met Sarah last year. She was in my band. I didn't talk to her much except for one time in the elevator when I was like "Hey, you're in band 5 right? And you're name is Sarah." then like "Oh, I'm Sarah too!" Then we got this joke like she was Sarah 1 and I'm Sarah 2.. Yeah, random.
I also got to meet the girls that were next door.
There was a welcome dance or something the first night, and I went to it with them all. It was kind of boring because you don't really know anyone else, so I went to go look for Cameron, Jennifer, and Chase.
They were all in a practice room working on the music. I never went to a practice room because the euphonium part wasn't too hard and I'd always just use the time before rehearsal to practice any weird parts.
Before picture....
We wanted to go back to the dorms, and it was pouring, but we decided to go for it, and we ran thru the rain taking short breaks under sheltered areas. Oh, then at the dorm, Jennifer and I took the stairs up to our room on the 8th floor, by choice.
Then we started to hang up the streamers. :) Go East!!
At the camp assembly the next day, Jennifer left her coach purse in the rehearsal or something, and they had her get it at the assembly vs putting it in lost and found. Amanda and I also ended up leaving our purse behind some where. :P Haha
Amanda wanted to show off her lip balm, which was much needed with all the playing.
Faculty Recital! The low brass ensemble played some cool music. it there! :)
It was also fun because Dr Wass, the tuba professor is a beast and every low brass player loves him and they were all yelling out like "GO DR FUNKENSTEIN!!!" and cheering for him, haha.
After the recital was the Talent Show. (They cram a lot in to do each evening.)
My favorite at the talent show was this, But the winner was guy.
I didn't take any pictures Wednesday...
Amanda looks really awkward with a tuba gig bag vs a euphonium gig bag on...
Karla and Amanda
In Low Brass Ensemble, the kids in bands 5-8 got their own piece on Thursday called Tuba Juba Duba, and there is a snap part, so we were invited to snap along. xD
That night was a Faculty Fun Concert, then a Jazz Concert, THEN a Save the Last Dance.
But we skipped the Jazz Concert to hang out in the SUB.
Hand Man.. :)
We eventually were told to leave the SUB because they were closing it, and we went back to the dorms for the last dance, and walking back was so much fun! :D
Go Raiders
Then the last dance was over.
We decided to take the stairs when ever we could.
AND then we started our tradition of spelling out our school name with whatever. :)
Then we got ready for Room Raid. The Guy Student Officers (SOs) got into the girl dorms and started at the top of the dorm building and ran up and down the halls banging on the doors yelling for us all to come out into the elevator lobby. Once we were all there, they sang to us and danced with us all. It was fun. Call Down Boy, or Greg, danced with me and Jennifer. The raids are a lot of fun. I liked Karla's reaction to it, "WHY HAVE I NOT COME HERE BEFORE?!?!" Haha. But you know when to expect it because you hear them running down the halls. But you don't know which night..
Here's where we had our full band rehearsals twice a day.
Our masterclass teachers.
All Day Color Guard showed off their routine they'd been working on.
Then the "Mojo" twirlers, who were one of the I guess two teams of All Day Twirling, who also won the contest, perform. But watching team twirling contest is kind of hard because there are countless drops and it just gets hard to watch. :(
The guy who won the talent show sings for us again, but this time singing an acoustic version of Hey Ya.
All week you could send a flower with a note, and they'd read the note aloud to send it. (Which of course ends in like people sending joke flowers, like "To God, from Satan. I'm sorry." or "To THROW TO CROWD" and such.) But last day, everyone is sending flowers.
David and Amanda. Last full band rehearsal practice.
Oh, and here is our view from our dorm.
Some art outside the SUB.
Then we got some group pictures. Here's the Band 1 and 2 euphoniums.
We're all dorks. :)
Amanda, Me, Karla. Girls euphs in band 1 and 2. :)
Andrew (Euphonium, band 4) and James (Tuba, band 2)
McQuiddy!! He was in the same band as me last year, beat me by one chair. But this year he was like 2nd chair in the fourth band.
Ensemble Concert!
We played The Thunderer by Sousa all together, Bands 5-8 played Tuba Juba Duba, Bands 1-4 played Marriage of Figaro by Mozart (o.m.g. THAT was interesting! xD) and we all played MARS THE BRINGER OF WAR!! :D
I gave my camera to this random kid behind us who obviously didn't know how to focus or take many pictures. :( Hello, half to focus, hold it, press all the way down for the picture! x( Should have explained that before I went.
Afterwards, pictures!
Mr C, he helped with the ensemble.
Mr Anderson, our crazy director! :D haha
I had terrible aim. :(
ANDREW! :D Haha, problem solved.
Afterwards, we just went to the dorm lobbies and hung out after spinning on the tables. xD
We tried playing ERS but wanted to see the cards. We tried playing BS but wanted to show each other the cool cards. Then we just threw them all down on the table to look at them all.
Ooh, then we saw some kids about to play Apples to Apples and we joined in. :)
Some of our new friends.
Do you like how it looks like I'm cheating off a 6th grader?
BUT you can only play Apples to Apples so long..
We got bored after everyone got back from the Orchestra concerts and I thought of the idea of Hide and Go Seek!! :D
Karla and I are such cheaters being the only girls, haha.
But we started in the lobbies, but got yelled at for running, so we went to the front of the dorms, but there were too many people. THEN we went to the area between the dorms and the dining hall. No one was there and it was dark! ;D Haha.
Team Picture!
And that was pretty intense Hide and Seek!! xD We had base at that column to the left and would be running everywhere to get to it. ;D
Jamin could climb the tree. He never hid there, but we thought he did when we couldn't find him period.
Last night!! Oh, and we had another Room Raid! But with the quartermasters. I didn't think they were as good, probably because I didn't get a dance, haha, and Jennifer got two.
Jennifer ripped down the streamers.
Aw look at that shirt I made her for her birthday! ;D Haha
But she went with Cameron to go see some of the early concerts.
Band 2 didn't have call until like 1:30 or something, so we had a lot of time.
I finished getting packed, how sad a sight to see it all gone. ;(
Did my hair.
Oh, and here's our ID cards.
I hung out in Karla's room and quick changed into my dress before we left to go to the SUB.
Saw Cameron who was going back to take a shower and get ready.
Checked my shuttle time. Oh look, calm down boy is on our plane!
Jennifer's mom already got to Lubbock and got Amanda and Jennifer happy meals since nothing was open in the SUB. :P
Warm Up
Instrument Switch
He was a beast on euphonium too!! ;(
I would take a camera on stage! :D
We tried to take a Band 2 low brass picture, but Jonathan went straight to put up his tuba and the other tuba kid had a shuttle that left like 5 minutes after our concert was over, so he was to run! Haha
Watched Band 1
It was funny because when the director was going thru and naming all the instructors who helped with the masterclasses and sectionals and all, when he got to Dr Wass, everyone cheered and yelled like "DR FUNKENSTINE! :D" Haha. He was the only one with his own cheers.
Bradley got an award.
Dr Funkenstein
Cameron was nice enough to help carry my euphonium back. We took turns.
After chilling in the lobby with our luggage, I went with Amanda so she could see her old floor R.A. or something. And her friend knitted that in three days. I thought it was pretty awesome, haha.
Amanda gave us her left over Rock Stars and we ordered a pizza to eat.
I love them all!!
Aw. then Karla and Amanda left. ;( But I liked having a later flight. Not rushed. Could relax.
Saw them playing the HA game. I think we figured they were all SOs or something.
So we played our own version in a triangle! :D
But Chase didn't like it.
Then we switched to the syllable game. Same idea, but instead of increasing "Ha"s, increase the number of syllables in the word! :D Haha
Our shuttle was like 15 minutes late. :(
Talked with Calm Down Boy the shuttle and met Tyler. That shuttle was so much fun. :)
At the airport...
Our Plane.
The plane was hardly full so we had all the band kids move up the front where it was pretty empty and all sat together. :) Cameron sat behind me and I met a couple other people.
Ann, Megan, Tyler
Then it was over. :(
But it was so much fun. I made so many friends and had a great time. I think I'll go back one more time next year. Maybe another time if I decide to go to Tech.