Documentation of happenings on dates 3/17/06 & 3/18/06... & S.A.F.D

Mar 19, 2006 12:12

New/Continued Projects:

iMAC installation-

This project won't get finished this weekend which means that it will probably drag on for the next couple of months since John has to go back to school in Maine today =(

New shirt-

I look stupid and sad in my new shirt, but I actually love it.

NIN bracelet-

Jay bent up a steel nine inch nail into the one and only crucifixion bracelet (that I know of).

"And now for something completely different":

Rawk show!-

My Morning Radio (Lees band) rocked it out like always. They served as the much needed buffer between two grindcore/hardcore bands that really, well, sucked. Their closing song was really good, and apparently the first time they've played it in months. I'm thinking its my favorite of what I've heard out of them so far... So Lee, play it more damn it!

Medicated Kisses the other non-grindcore band I saw last night put on a really lively show, it’s the first time I've seen them or even heard them. It's good music, but its not the sort of thing I can listen to for to long unless I'm in the mood. Like Slayer. I love Slayer, but if you make me listen to 'Killing Fields' at 6am I'll murder you. Not to say I would kill anyone over Medicated Kisses, but you get the point. All in all they rocked.

And finally after all the fun and mischief was had and John had a bounty put on his head the weekend began to settle into an early Sunday morning which would give way to a lazy overcast Sunday afternoon.



And tonight...


In other News.


Next weekend will mark the first annual celebration of Super Asian Fun Day. All in attendance will vote on several nominated Hayao Miyazaki films that are to be viewed at said celebration. The date of S.A.F.D. is 6pm on this upcoming Friday evening 3/24/06, but is still open for debate.

Things that will take place:
Jovial Dancing.
Eating of cake.
Intermission of laser tag via our good friends at Lazergate.

Things that might take place:
Gigantic sleep-over and or camping-out in Adams apartment?
Massive Breakfast on Saturday morning?
The telling of really spooky ghost/surgery stories?
Kiddie pool full of jello cubes in the kitchen?
Apples to Apples?

Things that will not be taking place:
Camp fires in the kitchen.
Sex on my furniture... the fire escape is ok.

Guidelines for invitation:
If you read this you are not only invited I am also investing in you the power to invite, but keep these guidelines in mind.
1. The size of my apartment = small.
2. Ninjas are cool, but they often get confused at parties. When confused they rely on their default programing, which is, as we all know, “kill”. Do not invite them, unless they happen to be named Phil.
3. Do not invite drop vegans*. Normal vegans are welcome.
4. Do not invite anyone who’s addicted to cocain. Casual cocain users are also unwelcome, sorry kids.
5. If by some stroke of weirdness you know somebody who’s a Drop vegan Coke-head... The last thing I need to do is mop cocain powder off my floor the morning after. Do not invite them.
6. Invite robots. Lots of them.

Comment here to let me know who’s interested. Even if you’re not free this weekend. Also donations in the form of something consumable will be appreciated by all in attendance.

*Drop vegans: People that will only eat things that have grown from the ground (potatoes) and things that have fallen on the ground (apples). And they’re crazy.
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