Jun 01, 2005 08:45
I had the most fucked up dream last night that I can remember having in a long time....
Sans non-sequiturs:
It started off with me meeting some people in a chat room. One was male, the other female. Eventually we decide to meet in person. I don't recall ever saying much to the male, but I found myself falling for the female. We end up going to school together (along with the other guy, who was a friend of hers. He seems a bit bitter towards me for some reason) This goes on for awhile, but eventually I get shot down. She tells me that although she loves me, her heart belongs to someone else (or some other shit that women say in such situations). The other guy, right? Nope.
I end up in the same chat room, and make some obscure comment about combining usernames that doesn't make much sense. For some reason, weird portraits of people (teachers? I remember something about the school library in the dream.) that look rather ghostly, as, for some reason, the pallete was mostly pale green. Soon afterwards, I end up talking to the male friend (although I don't remember the chat leading into it). After doing some investigating, it turns out he had also loved her (surprise, haha...although for some reason in the context of the dream it was one), but had pretty much given up on her. Soon afterwards, the dream reaches its most overly dramatic point, with myself and perhaps him as well screaming something along the lines of "Everything beautiful is a lie" (cheese, I know)
For some strange reason, I then end up at a fast food restaurant with same guy. We harass other patrons for no apparent reason, calling them fags. Then, as we're leaving, we act like a gay couple. This doesn't really have any bearing on the outcome of the dream, however.
So eventually, me and the guy decide to do some investigating (and no, not into our sexuality, asshats). The dream gets rather weird at this point, but we eventually discover that the girl's new boyfriend is the leader of some kind of drug ring.
On our way back from the fast food joint, we somehow get lost in some weird ruins (didn't see that coming), whereupon I get a phone call from my dad. I also remember that I threw some random object that doubled as a phone to some random guy who was a janitor or something at the ruins (weird, i know), but I don't remember why.
Anyway, my dad wanted me to come home and help take care of my baby sister (which is weird, because I don't have a sister, but apparently in the dream I did). So I have to go home and do that, while the other guy does some planning. I'm worried about some kind of ambush, but nothing happens. I remember some weird, scanning overview of the area taking place at around this point in the dream.
I don't remember that I ever went home, but around this time the girl we both loved appears in the ruins for some reason. I remember myself, her, and the other guy shimmying over a pit along some narrow walkway that, despite being a walkway, was too narrow to really walk on.
(Don't remember order)
Anyway, at this point it turns out that the girl was involved in the drug ring to support a drug habit of her own. This was basically the end of the dream.
*After the girl leaves me, she goes to a Caribbean country to get married to some guy. It turns out that a few months after they get married, he dies and she comes back. This may or may not have been the drug lord, but chronologically I remember finding out that this all happened before the whole drug lord thing came into play. Although I guess that would make sense, because I don't remember really meeting the drug lord.
*Something about my partner in the investigation selling girl's car. Something else about him being a lover who had given up and relied on something/someone else to convey the illusion that he was a good friend of hers. Visuals of weird rotating conveyor belt analogy.
*At the very end of the dream, it's not the girl but a young Will Smith who is shown in class, saying something along the lines of "I didn't come back to see you guys". It seems kind of gay now that I'm writing about it, but in the dream it wasn't. Too much Fresh Prince of Belaire, I guess. Damn Nick at Night.