Dec 18, 2004 02:28
...Someone asked me today, if I could turn back time for a moment, only one instance, one thing, one part may I change in my past...what would it be?
I just told him one thing...
That I would know what I know now when I was only 8 years old...and maybe my life wouldn't feel like such a big fuck up...
That maybe this skin would have a purpose...maybe?
Only 3 things have gone right in my lifetime....
1. She is asleep right now.
2. My friends are all asleep right now.
3. My Neices and Nephews are growing up happy and healthy...
Wow...almost 21 years of life and I have so little to show for accomplishments I'm proud of other than those....but god knows they mean everything to me....
I'm just in such a mood when I am so sick of my flesh...
And so fucking sick of how my "wonderful mind is" how I contemplative over every little thing, god knows I want a break for once, can't I "not" analize something or something that "might" happen for once...just let me indulde for god sakes...
Just let me be happy....