You Are A Naughty Duckie!
Draw a bath
Start up the duck
More satisfying than
Your latest fuck!
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You Are An Intense Kisser!
Deep tounging, nibbling, and locking lips for hours are on your agenda.
You've been known to wear lovers out with your kiss,
before getting to anything else on the menu.
And given that you kiss so well... imagine how you do everything else.
How Do *You* Kiss? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
You Are a Schoolgirl!
You're not quite as wild as a "kogyaru", but with your short plaid skirt
and silly white socks, you're still a sexual fetish object.
You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places,
collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends.
You may not be as innocent as you look.
Did those vending machine panties once belong to you?
What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?