Recently, I really got into the Young Justice cartoon.
(my favorite's the guy with the banana :D )
(The Young Justice cartoon, is, as far as I can tell, only loosly based on the Young Justice comics, which is made obvious by the fact that their Robin and Speedster are Dick and Wally instead of Tim and Bart, their Superboy has a completely different personality, their archer is Artemis instead of Cissie, their floating girl is Miss Martian and not Spectre and the comics never had an undersea superhero (as far as I know). But hey, they kept Red Tornado. Also, apparently the cartoon is about Earth 16 or something, but I have no idea what that's about)
Actually, no, that's a lie.
I recently got into the fandom for the Young Justice cartoon. Especially the fics on the
yj_anon_meme (though you kind of have to troll through the pages of requests, because the archive is sadly understaffed).
I am not happy about this. D< okay so mostly I am, whatever
I haven't even seen more than the first episode (which was actually a two parter) and half of a latter one.
I have no context for this story!!!
And I was perfectly happy being in my Star Trek 2009 phase again, thankyouverymuch, with it's Tarsus IV angst and Kirk!Daddy issues and its wonderful McKirk or McCoy/Jim or Bones/Jim or whatever.
And it's all my sister's fault. >/
She was telling me about this one fic she'd read (it's
this fic if you're curious, though warnings because it's somewhat dark and can be triggery, but all that is explained in the beginning authors notes), and how amazing it was, and it was pretty much exactly my cup of tea, so I went and read it and now I can't get away.
Guys, help!!!!
P.S. Why do I always write these things at insanely odd hours?
P.P.S. That Popsicle I just had was amazing!
P.P.P.S. oh my god at the end of this month I'm leaving for college.