May 12, 2011 15:14
In Latin, we are currently watching the Lord of the Rings movies, in preperation for a paper compairing the hero cycles of Aeneas and Frodo/Aragorn. Naturally, I spend the entire time making fun of the movie with my friend.
Here are some of them.
And so, the three of them (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimili) against 4 million orcs. (This is at the end of the first movie, which we finished today)
Gimili: We got this.
Legolas: Actually, it's kind of unfair. Maybe there should be 5000 more of them.
Aragorn: No, no, it's all good. We'll all fight with one eye closed. Legolas, you fight blind.
(Orcs die at the same rate)
Aragorn: Legolas, you're not impaired enough! Use only one arm.
(Orcs die, Legolas keeps impossibly shooting his bow)
Aragorn: That's no good! Stand on only one foot! And you, Gimili, no weapons. Only fight with your bare hands.
(Orcs keep dying)
Aragorn: And I, I will fight with my back to the enemy!
And so on and so forth.
Another running joke is that everyone wants Frodo for his "ring".
Also, all the things with intricate designs (Aragorn's necklace, Frodo's mirthril shirt, Legolas's overshirt, the door to the mines of Moria, the elf city in the trees) all go together.
On reflection, most of these things are only funny if you were there. Oops.
rl: latin is difficult,
rl: real life,
rl: school,
fandom: lord of the rings,
rl: friends