While waiting for another userpic slot to become available, I decided to do this icon meme:
Default icon:
This has always been my default icon -- I've never changed my default icon to some other userpic and I doubt I ever will.
Oldest icon:
Newest icon:
Saddest icon:
Happiest icon:
Angriest icon:
Cutest icon:
Sexiest icon:
I don't have any particularly sexy icons -- those are the closest
Most humorous icon:
Favorite ship icon:
I don't really have any icons I use for shipping only. This one comes closest, since I like to sail on the S.S. Snagonagall and I can use it for that ship, as well as for when I'm feeling rather Slytherin.
Favorite fandom icon:
Icon you use the most (beside default):
Favorite overall:
Snape plus tea -- what could be better?
How many icons do you have total?
How many can you have?
135 -- but I should be getting 2 more loyalty userpics soon. (I'm jonesing for them already.)
If you could buy space for more, would you?
YES!!!! I have tons more icons I'd love to upload and use but can't. :'(
Do your icons make a statement about you?
Most likely. That's part of the reason I choose them, after all.
What fandom do you have the most icons out of?
Harry Potter.
The second most?
Star Trek (The Original Series)
What ship do you have the most icons out of?
While I don't really have any icons used exclusively for shipping, I do use these ones quite a bit when discussing Snarry.
How do you categorize your icons?
In three main folders on my hard drive, prior to uploading -- general purpose icons, Severus Snape icons and other Potterverse character and house icons.
Are your icons mostly made by other users?
Yes, but I've also made quite a few of my own icons, with more that I have yet to upload. Need more userpic slots to show them all off, though. :(
Animated icons are...
Often hilariously funny, especially when they tell a little story. I have a bunch of PotterPuff animations I'm dying to upload.
In general, I think icons...
Are addictive.