May 18, 2004 10:02
As if life couldnt get any more hectic right now with finals and the anxiety of school coming to an end people have to go and dramatize life. I was having a pretty good day till' friends started acting weird for no apparent reason. Im supposed to be going on a cali. trip with friends keyword:supposed to..but peopple once again have to go and not only add drama, but make it complicated because i guess its too easy. But then friends go behind your back and decide just the two of them want to go instead but not to tell me. So im not going, and they can cry about me being out of town most of the summer..and then they can remind themselves of this. i d o n t c a r e i got back up plans anyways because i knew it would be blown way out of proportion anyways. On a better note...tomorrow is one day closer to school being out and the last full day. On top of that me and friends are having a fiesta at fun fun...well till next time...