The 2008 Trip - Part 11 - Two Movies and a Late Night...

May 04, 2008 17:53

Monday was the last real day I had in Singapore.  Irene worked, and Olivia and I mostly did things around the house to prep for our trip the next day.  Finished up laundry, and finished packing for instance.  Then we went to watch a movie.  We wanted to make a point of doing something just her and I, and we hadn't been able to see a movie this trip.  We decided to watch "The Bucket List".

The movie was better then I expected it, and sparked a good number of conversations of what we wanted to do before we end up dying.  While it can seem a bit morbid to think about, it's also kinda fun.  We couldn't make a huge list, but we both decided that we would add things as we thought of them.  Traveling is definatly one.  We both love to see new places and do new things.  Sad how money always gets in the way.  We definatly need to make our London trip happen one of these days.

We also got in touch with Kewei and Najib to see what they were doing that evening.  They were planning on watching Neon Genisis Evangelion in the theatre that night, since it was being rereleased.  They invited me to go with them, which worked out rather well, since Olivia had a meeting that evening for a party they were planning.  This meeting was supposed to happen many times in the last week, but kept getting moved around.  Since Olivia was leaving for the week the next day, they sort of needed to get it done that day.  Since they were planning on having it at a restaraunt, we invited Kewei and Najib to meet us for dinner there, and then we would just go to the movies from there.

We met up with Irene and the rest of the group of people at the resteraunt.  This gave me a chance to meet a few more people I've heard the name of, but not been able to actually meet.  Liv though had to go pay her phone bill, which she had been unable to do for quite some time.  It should be noted though that she ended up owing S$666.66.  She thought that a bit creepy till I pointed out, that it was in Singapore Dollars, and not real money, so she shouldn't worry about it to much.

The line at the Starhub place was a bit ridiculous though.  Anyone in the US who has been to the DMV will understand, because it was easily that bad.  It ended up taking us no less then 45 minutes just to GIVE them the money to turn her damn phone back on.  When we got back to the resteraunt, Kewei and Najib were already there, and most people had already eaten.

Luckily we still had some time to kill, and Najib needed to go get a haircut, so I had a chance to eat some dinner.  This gave Kewei and I a chance to talk a bit amongst ourselves while Liv moved over and got her meeting underway.  We mostly talked about her and Najib, and how things were going in her life.  We also ordered some desert, which was very pretty.

Then we headed off to the theatre.  They were in a bit of a hurry since we were running a bit late, and man can those two walk fast when they want to.  I had to run a few times to keep up, and zig and zag through the crowds.  The theatre itself was somehow sideways, with many floors instead of a large base area.  There were also a number of game rooms with LAN's and video games in the place.  If i had a bit of time I would have liked to have checked the whole place out.

I'm not the hugest of Evangelion fans, but I do like it, and it was interesting to see in the theatre.  It had also been a while since I had seen it, so I couldn't point out all the differences (they sorta moved the episodes around and the timing to make it make more sense).  It was fun, and always nice to see a famous anime on the big screen.

When we finished, Liv, Irene, and Jean were downstairs waiting for us.  They had finished their meeting earlier and came to meet us.  Kewei and Najib took off after some big hugs and well wishes.  I was then formally introduced to Jean.  Jean is another one of Olivia's friends that I had heard a good deal about, but havn't yet been able to put a name to.  She was a bit more prominent though, as she and Olivia were planning on starting a business together once they were able to.

We then headed off to a 24 hour cafe, that I went to the last time I was in singapore.  We spent the next few hours chatting.  Jean works for ESPN in Singapore, and so knew a bit more about Tennis then Olivia and Irene, which was cool.  I always enjoy a good Tennis conversation.  We also talked about Final Fantasy XI, as she was getting a bit tired of WoW as well.  Politics also came up.

I think politics was this trip's Monopoly.  Everywhere we went last time I came we ended up playing Monopoly.  This time, everywhere we went we seemed to end up talking about politics.  US politics mostly, but with some global and Singaporean politics thrown into the mix now and then.  I didn't mind, as it gave me an opportunity to quell some of the myths about conservative American's.  It is funny though to note that Liv made a point that she hates it when politics come up, but is right there with everyone else when the discussion pops up.

We orded some deserts and a few drinks, and had a pretty good time, while Irene kept trying to stay awake.  We lost track of time, and around 4 am or so decided we probobly should get back.  Luckily Jean had a car back at the other place, and she offered to take us home.  We didn't get home though till around 5 or so.  Irene needed to get up in two hours, and decided to try to stay up and work on her internet.  However that didn't really work out, and she eventually called out for the morning portion of her shift.

My last night in Singapore... or rather my last morning.. 
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