Good times

Nov 21, 2008 11:08

I've been told I need to update this. I have been busy and had a lot going on lately, so I have been dodging it. I don't have much time now, either, so I will be brief. Additionally, I have not really been reading LJ much, but I plan to do that more.

I moved in with Heather mid-October. It's been great so far and we are enjoying it. STILL trying to get stuff unpacked and organized... It'll happen. Victor and I both like it here a lot, and it's a lot closer to Andrea which is nice.

I am getting laid off at the end of November. The economy sucks hard, and one of our primary markets is start-ups, which are finding their funds shrinking faster than your dick that time Grandma caught you beating off. So, I'm looking for a new john to whore my brain out to. Anyone have any ideas? Resume and professional site available on request. And, for the record, I usually don't use the terms "beating off", "john" or "whore" in interviews.

I played the Left4Dead demo on XBox Live and I am SO getting that game. It's truly innovative- the Director aspect is amazing. Also on XBox news, you can now stream any of the Netflix Play It Now selections straight to your TV. This is epic. I'm in the middle of Heroes S3 and I have to say the quality is impressive.

Amusing stuff I have found recently:

A guy talking about being Jack Sparrow at Disneyland
Amusing robot/physics game, and the best of that genre i have ever played with.
Heather will be delighted to hear she is worth around 44 camels, 3 goats and 9 sheep.
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