Mondo Update

Jul 10, 2008 19:43

Two weekends ago, I flew to Chicago and drove my girl home to Phoenix. We made it in two days... In that time, we stayed at the filthiest hotel evar in Tulsa, ate monstrous amounts of beef in Amarillo, bought fireworks in two different states, and almost died by way of giant elk doe in the mountains north of Phoenix. A good trip all told, and it illustrated to me that we are amazingly compatible. We didn't even really bicker on the trip, which is saying something given the distance and timeline and sleep dep and did I mention 4 cats in a sedan?

I've been in Seattle since Saturday... and I had a blast. Saturday I wandered Cap Hill, had dinner with Stiffany and Kevin, and went to the Merc for a while. Got to see Luke and Leeny(special thanks to Luke for coming out after putting a #@^&ing drill bit through his foot!), Scott, Marc17, my homeboy Anthony, and got to meet some new people too... I got thoroughly trashed and then cabbed it back to Mercer Island.

Sunday Jared(my boss/friend) and I went to Pike Place Market and picked up grillables- 2 dozen oysters, 2lbs fresh halibut, corn, leeks, asparagus, garlic spears(the tops of elephant garlic- actually pretty tasty), a bunch of fresh cheese, and some oil for dipping bread. We had a great barbecue and got a bit drunk- good good times.

Monday was work, and a meeting with a client.... to go sailing. On a racing boat. I was not sure what to expect but it was a lot of fun.

Tuesday I worked with Difficult Needy Client and somehow made him hppy. I doubt he'll be as difficult now.

Yesterday was work, including a meeting at an effing cool social networking startup that is just about to go live. Think Myspace meets Facebook meets Pandora/LastFM and you are starting to get there... After work we went to FareStarts Guest Chefs on the Waterfront and gorged on good food, wine and beer. If it weren't for the impressively massive crowds it would have been more fun, but it was still a good time. Afterwards we had drinks.

Also somewhere in there I got a new toy- a MacBook Pro. I warned you all- I'm drinking the Kool-Aid. It's good that I got a new toy, though... My flight is delayed now. As in I've been here since 3:30 and it doesn't leave until 9fucking10. NOT. PLEASED.

Tomorrow is more work, followed by Victor time (and boy have I missed him!), then Wall-e and dinner with friends, including Heather. She needs to meet him as I am bound and determined that neither of them are going anywhere and I can't lead a bifurcated life. On that note, I'd like to make it clear that I know what I am doing in that regard. A lot of people have offered opinions and guess what? I know it's kind of early in the relationship for them to meet under normal circumstances. These circumstances aren't normal, though, and I have thoroughly thought this through. Feel free to rant here if you want, but be advised I have already made all the arguments you plan to make in my own head and have decided to do this anyway.

Anywaay, off for some coffee and AC power before I get on the plane. See y'all on the flip side!
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