v_o_o: Will you spin fire at my wedding?
theempathogen: Yes.
[days later]
v_o_o: How about we pay for your airfare to come if you do
sisterred's hair and nails?
theempathogen: It's been a while, are you sure you trust me?
v_o_o: Yes.
theempathogen: Okay, then yes.
[days later]
theempathogen: So, who's your other attendant, hm, hm?
v_o_o: Here's a hint, look in the mirror.
theempathogen: Motherfucker, WHAT?! You are making me WORK
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I'll be more than happy to teach you makeup tricks. But as with most anything else, nobody can just bang out doing makeup like me overnight or even within weeks or months, since I've had about eleven years of serious, daily practise. I mean I wore a bit of makeup when I was in high school, but never did anything hardcore until I was in cosmetology school. And guess what - that's not where I learnt how to do it. I had to teach myself.
Due to his schedule, texting is the only way he and I can communicate for the majority of the time. So I'm very thankful I have that. I'd be crippled with loneliness without texting.
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