me: Spider and
isochronous used to call each other up with "Hey, hoser." For no apparent reason, since neither of them are even remotely Canadian.
the navitas: It's a Canadian thing ;)
me: I know that... and they know that. They were just being silly.
the navitas: odd
me: What's more,
isochronous knows fuck all about Canada and is not interested in changing that.
the navitas: I call you an honorary hoser :)
me: Oh, wow. I'm blushing. Thanks, eh. <3 I guess you kissing me in Canadian Tire was like being sworn in...
the navitas: LOL. You know so much and have much experience and Canadian thinking, that it makes sense :)
I don't know if being kissed by a Canadian in
Canadian Tire or having
Schwartz's instead of turkey on American Thanksgiving will work for everybody, but it sure as hell worked for me.