You might as well call me Cassandra. Note the alethiometer.

Feb 27, 2009 02:45

     Casual observation, observed so often for so many years it's nauseating (aka psychotherapy in progress):

I have, for years, had a habit of trying to get people to look at the bright side. The way I do this, however, is to show them a real-life example of how much worse things could be. Sadly, this forces me to admit that, on a number of occasions, I am a very good example of how much worse it could be. The good news is that rather than worry about it all the time, I'd rather - and do - just put on shitloads of glitter and go dancing.

Case in point, addressed to korgmeister:

Btw, how can you possibly be The Radar when you aren't pretty happy the way things are? Surely you're the Beleaguered Assistant?

I relate to you because I am a hybrid of The Only Sane Woman and The Cassandra. (I've been running around calling myself "Cassandra" for years, long before somebody decided to map out tropes. It's because I've had this problem ever since I was very young.) I have been subject to countless hoards of Ungrateful Bastards for... eh, almost my whole life. I'm not sure if I know any other Cassandras, so I have no-one to properly commiserate with on that point.

For the record, I'm also frequently inflicted with others whaling me with Selective Obliviousness and Poor Communication Kills (in that order).

I mention this because at least your problems stop at Surrounded by Idiots. It could be worse. You could have all these other problems on top of that.

Just my attempt to inject a little brightness into your day.

The problem with openly admitting this is that usually that leads right back to The Cassandra Complex, and absolutely no amount of good track record (i.e., being totally honest about how I feel and what I think) can save the day.

And this is why my Survival Mantra, and to some extent my personal Marseillaise, is "Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box." "U Don't Know Me" (below) is the other one.

image Click to view

We now return to more glitter and dancing.

"I could never tell you how to feel, what it is
you feel, or tell you how to live your life. That's
something only you can do, and it would make me not
only a meddler, but also a hypocrite, to do such a thing."
- auritech


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