I couldn't sleep so I read fic instead, that makes sense, right? This time there is 1 slightly angsty-ish fic, something dark, something in-between, and something happy. (When You Wake Up You Will Find Me and All Your Glory in Your Form are my favorites in this batch-they're angsty-ish, of course I liked them best.)
When You Wake Up You Will Find MeRating: PG-13
Warnings: Bad language and vagueness.
Word Count: 10,000
Summary: Why are some moments in life never recorded? The moments where we sit and think and speak very little with those around us; those are not the moments we would have written down, yet they are perhaps the most telling. Three days in a year; two memories from the past; two moments in a future. These things tell us a little about Sirius Black.
Why You Should Read It: This story is gorgeous. It’s a slow burn, slow paced conversations between Remus and Sirius in which their story is strung out between them like a slack thread until it’s pulled taut and things finally come together. It’s almost an angst fic, but only in that way that the emotion heats every conversation and keeps Sirius moving towards his ultimate goal. This is pretty much everything I love about Remus and Sirius being stupid boys who are shite at feelings but feel so very much.
'I can imagine you'd want something simple. Something very different to me,' Sirius added, smiling wryly and Remus shrugged, but didn't disagree.
'I don't want what you want, if that's what you mean. I want ... I want to live through the next full moon. I want to feel like I've felt something before I die. Something other than monotony.'
Sirius watched the light glance off of the silver tag around Remus's neck and nodded slowly.
'How do you know you've felt anything? No one can know that what they're feeling is any stronger or more emotional than the next person.'
'That's very existential of you, Sirius.'
'Just saying.'
http://rs-games.livejournal.com/113957.html Title:
Reflections of My Warped MindRating: R
Warnings: Violence, canon character death, torture, sexual situations, mirror AU
Word Count: 2,200
Summary: Remus considers what got him to where he is and how the right road just wasn't the right road for him.
Why You Should Read It: When I started reading this, I didn’t exactly expect to like it, but seeing a dark Remus was actually kind of amazing and even though the evilness is a little over the top at the end, there’s a delicious undercurrent of the mirror!AU that is very appealing. It’s the Marauders tipped to the side and taken to a very dark place and it’s a very compelling exploration of that. (Plus I could totally see Sirius getting off on violence the way it’s described here and I love things that deal with that inherent darkness in both Sirius and Remus.) I warn you though, if you can’t handle your favorite characters going dark, you shouldn’t read this one.
http://rs-games.livejournal.com/114795.html Title:
All Your Glory in Your FormRating: G
Warnings: Deals with scenes of familial discontent, which I know can be hard for some people. Otherwise nothing at all.
Word Count: 1,700
Summary: In the aftermath of Sirius leaving the Noble and Most Ancient Mausoleum of Black, things go a little sideways, and Mr. and Mrs. Potter think the beach will cure all ills.
Why You Should Read It: I love stories about Sirius leaving Grimmauld Place and this one feels entirely authentic. I love that there’s grief mixed with his anger and that there’s only a hint at the real reason Sirius left (which is the reason I tend to like best). I love Remus as Sirius’s quiet support and he fills that role so nicely here. Perfect for a lazy morning read-and not angsty!
http://rs-games.livejournal.com/115771.html Title:
Where the Heart IsRating: PG
Warnings: Remus was dead: to begin with, Brief and Random Next Gen Shipping
Word Count: 1,600
Summary: Teddy moves out, discovers a letter from his father, and comes to a realisation.
Why You Should Read It: TEDDY. LUPIN.
I’m tempted to leave the rec just at that. ;) This is a short fic and is very much about Teddy finding inspiration from his long-dead father, a trope which I tend to hold quite dear. I love the descriptions at the start in which Teddy is just sitting in his flat and the letter from Remus is just so perfectly wistful.