I have no intentions of leaving lj since I dropped the cash for a permanent account a couple years ago and am still reaping the benefits. I did, however, make a Dreamwidth account on the off chance that some of my friends might high tail it over there, never to be heard from again (though I've yet to see anyone on my flist say that).
Unlike my InsaneJournal, Vox, and GreatestJournal, I plan to actually use DreamWidth!
How Will You There Be Different From You Here?
I'm planning to use the crosspost feature (and pray to GOD that lj creates a feature like that) and will be updating both journals that way. It's likely that I'll still have more content on lj because I expect that I'll forget and do my normal thing of being on lj already and just posting there because I'm lazy. (That will mostly affect f-locked posts.)
Mostly, there will not be different from here unless there people get more chatty in the comments.
What Do You Need From Me?
I need you to fill out this poll. There have been a ton of announcements of DW account-creations, but since I didn't have one, I hadn't been friending people. From here on out, I'll try to comment to remind you guys that I have one and that my username is the same, but going back to find them all kind of makes me want to faint, so . . . let's do it this way.
Poll DreamWidth Also, I don't have invite codes at this time. If/when I get some, I'll let you guys know.
ETA: I'm dumb.