I've seen this on a few journals (most notably with
princessofg and
tenaya) and I have to post it because it's exactly how I feel about fandom and why I try not to put down my friends' favorite shows (also why I will give shows repeated chances).
Your Friends Are Not Watching the Same Show You Are (And That's Okay) teyana did something interesting with this and named the shows she's watching and I saw that and thought, "Yes, I have to do that." So, I'm doing that.
These Are The Shows I’m Watching
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: BtVS was always The Xander Is the Most Adorable Geek Ever Show but sometimes it was The Adventures of Hardcore!Xander (like "The Pack" and "Becoming," GUH). But it was also The Word Play Is So Genius Show and High School Sucks Just Like That and the How Does a 30-Year-Old Guy Know My Life Like This? show, but is most notably The Joss Whedon Owns My Soul Show.
Angel: AtS started out as Yet Another Show Joss Whedon Made So I Have to Watch, but it very quickly grew into The Wesley Is a Dork AND a Badass Show. And when Connor first showed up it became The Angel Has Everything He Wants-OH OW Show. Though Season 4 was The I Won't Stop Watching Show and Season 5 was The And This Is Why I Didn’t Stop Watching-HOLY FUCK ILLYRIA Show.
Firefly: When FF aired on Fox is was 100% Yet Another Show Joss Whedon Made So I Have to Watch. I just didn't get it and it wasn't at a time in my life when I couldn't obsessively follow three series, and yeah. But after I watched it in the proper order it became The Awesome Adventures in Social Commentary and Ass Kicking and The I Love Captain Tightpants Show and The I Had No Idea I Was Interested in Westerns and Chinese Culture Show. It also became The WTF Is Blue Sun Show. *flails a little*
Stargate: SG-1: I think I started off watching Ancient Cultures Roadshow, but it very quickly became The Adventures of Unbelievably HOT Daniel Jackson and then The Jack and Daniel Are Totally Married Show and it's pretty much stayed that way since Season 3. ;)
Stargate: Atlantis: Uh, it's The Rodney McKay Show plain and simple. Although now it's kind of turned into Irrefutable Proof That My Husband REALLY IS McKay.
Saiyuki: My enjoyment of Saiyuki is completely based on my enjoyment of the manga, so watching the anime is pretty much like watching The Gojyo and Goku Bicker and Curse At Each Other Show and Aural Porn: Hakkai's Dreamy Voice. But now we have the Burial OVA, so it's The OMG THE ANIMATION IS FREAKING GORGEOUS Show.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Um, this show is pretty much The Ed Is So Hardcore Show and The Roy Mustang Is Stupidly Attractive Show with a side-order of The Truth Will Make You Naked. It's also The On-Going Adventures In How To Rip Out My Heart because that's what FMA does.
What are your shows?