Newly Archived Fic Post #14

Mar 01, 2017 10:12

We're getting a little more eclectic with fandoms since I decided to post some fics I didn't think I would. (It's because at heart I am a completist and not doing so felt weird.) As before ALL fics have been polished.
★'d fics are personal favorites.

Stargate: SG-1
The Memory's Faulty, But the Feeling's All Right, R, Jack/Daniel, action, off-world, sex, hand jobs, first time, FEELINGS, angst, memory loss, episode related "Meridian" & "Fallen", Season 7 (2,060 words)
ow, ow, ow, why the hell do you guys let me write fic? I'm so mean! (Also I'm so predictable; I write about Daniel's amnesia a lot)

SGA: McKay/Sheppard Collection
Bickering, PG, Jack/Daniel, implied McKay/Sheppard, humor, crossover SG-1, Daniel in Atlantis! (210 words)
100% my SG-1 bias is showing

2230, PG-13, McKay/Sheppard, humor, a note, waiting, impatience (100 words)
of my tiny amount of SGA fic, this might be my favorite

Trading 'Em, PG, Jack/Daniel, McKay/Sheppard, humor, aggravated!Jack and Sheppard, bickering!Daniel and McKay (100 words)
shockingly, this is kind of mean to McKay

Stained Stubborn, PG, Zoe, Mal, Wash in absentia, angst, grief, character death :(, post-Serenity (100 words)
hello, I am still grieving

Star Wars
Stolen Moments, PG, Anakin/Padme, Obi-Wan, established relationship, friendship, jealousy, pre-Revenge of the Sith (360 words)
Anakin is a jealous boy

Supernatural/Harry Potter Crossover
The Most Haunted House In Britain, PG, Sam, Dean, crossover, humor (350 words)
this concept still makes me giggle

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fandom:firefly, fandom:sga, fandom:sg-1, fandom:supernatural, fandom:star wars, fic:em

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