Here's a few more newly archived fics. As before ALL fics have been polished.
★'d fics are personal favorites.
Stargate: SG-1
Confused Colonels, Disgruntled Archaeologists, and Other Problems of Temporal Distortions, NC-17, Jack/Daniel, Season 4, "Window of Opportunity," established relationship, clueless!Jack, annoyed!Daniel, sex against the Stargate (4,100 words)
this combines my obsession with memory with Jack and Daniel's obsession with the stargate
Four Something in the Morning, PG-13, Jack & Daniel, Season 8, friendship (technically), early morning, Daniel's birthday, the trouble with resurrection (1,670 words)
this was about the time I got really into writing Jack
The Long Way Home, PG-13, Daniel/Sha're, Jack/Daniel, angst, grief, Daniel solo 'gating, pre-series, season 3, post-"Forever in a Day" (3,860 words)
this is another one in my top five favorite fics I've ever written
Harry Potter
Why Remus No Longer Makes Buns in His Oven, PG-13, Remus/Sirius, James, Peter, humor, crack!fic, technically not mpreg (2,260 words)
this is another one in my top five favorite fics I've ever written-possibly my favorite; I mean I'm having a hard time not posting blinking arrows around this link
Gravid, R, Remus/Sirius, angst, breakup, gut-punch (2,110 words)
bring on the emotional pain!
Fullmetal Alchemist
Porcelain Men, NC-17, Roy/Ed, angst, sex, (almost) no talking, (1,360 words)
this is the ship that still makes me wish Ed were older (but I swear I meant for him to be 18 in this fic)
Rule Number 23, PG, Roy, Maes, friendship, humor, Roy is the punchline (100 words)
I wish I'd written more in this fandom (mostly Maes because the is the best)
Nightmares, PG-13, Hakkai/Sanzo, angst, nightmares, rainy night (400 words)
for my "main pairing" being a different pairing, this is almost the only pairing I wrote!
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