Dec 24, 2003 23:02
Yet another entry in my apparently still-hidden journal. Perhaps my inactivity in it has elicited the abandonment of it's reading by other people. -Shrug- Fair enough for me.
Heh..just..feeling nostalgic..feeling lonely.
Listening to music I'll turn into a disc when I finish playing through the songs that are singing all at once in my heart.
Went and walked through old town..looked at the luminarias..sang some Christmas Carols on the square with random people..
-Smiles slightly, closing his eyes and laughing softly to himself.- I guess I'm just missing Leah...wishing I could have spent some time with her today..
-Shrug- I guess you can't have everything on Christmas Eve..
I did however make off with a gorgeous quill pen, three different inks (blue, red and black) and an awesome leather-bound journal. Got a 128 meg flash drive, 3 new sweaters, a nice new pair of pants, a rockin' car-cleaning kit, a copy of the works of O. Henry, a rockin' classic electric guitar calendar...and I've still got the shit in my stocking, Leah's presents and anything that anybody else got for me to open. I'm kinda worried though..I know Leah's spent some serious money on me, and I really haven't that much. Not that I've had money to really spend buying presents. anything I've had has gone to my gas tank, or to food.
But.. I know it's the thought that counts, and thought is one thing that really went into the main gift I gave to her.
-Takes off his Santa hat with a smile on his face.-
I'm gonna go..actually write with my quill and practice up on writing that way. Goodnight, journal-of-the-hidden-mind.
- Masked Falcon