Jul 11, 2006 12:59
Isn't it irritating when you know that for certain that you're about, oh, a trillion times smarter than someone, not to mention wittier with a generally more rad personality - so a better person overall than - but you have to treat them with feigned respect because they ended up as your boss for god-knows-why reasons?
I'm not one of those people who hates their boss because they generally don't work well with authority, or he doesn't let me slack off or something like that, my boss (and everyone who works with me in my position agrees) is a genuine prick.
He tells his staff one thing. It turns out to be wrong, and oh no, there's a fuck up and our department is in the shit. So our boss puts the blame squarely on our shoulders, resulting in the entire office thinking that we can't, you know, achieve anything that a competent four year old should, when he gave us the wrong instructions, wrong information, or just didn't tell us anything at all. And every single other department manager sticks up for their staff.
He whines all day about being SO BUSY and having SO VERY MUCH TO ACCOMPLISH IT'S SO IMPOSSIBLE yet takes fourty million smoke breaks a day, flounces about the office pseudo-flirting with every female around, reads and sends pointless emails (the ones that go 'You know you're living in 2006 when...' OH SO FUNNY) and calls his boyfriend all the time. SO VERY BUSY INDEED.
In an effort to sound corporate and proffessional, he attempts to use the large, impressive words that most Year 8 schoolchildren seem to employ effortlessly. Only to mispell them (seriously, I had to correct his spelling on my OWN PROGRESS REPORT before he sent it to my CEO) misuse them, or simply look like an arse because he doesn't know what 'ironic' actually means and throws it around all the time.
You ask him a question. It's too difficult for his itty-bitty brain to process, so instead of admitting ignorance and getting back to us later with the correct information, he bullshits a lot, most of which isn't even directly related to the question or he lies and makes something up, which we get in trouble for later anyway.
This man has the nerve then to actually repeatedly call us stupid (not even in a subtle, or at least paraphrased way), patronise us and generally treat us like messy 5 year olds. (He signs off his emails with about 5 smiley emoticons and ends every sentence with '!!!!!!!!!!' which I just utterly loath and explode with scorn at.)
It's not his bullshit personality I actually really care about - I don't have to like someone in order to work efficiently with them - it's just that he's so damn incompetent as a manager it makes me want to tear his own hair out for him.
To make matters worse, he has a favourite worker who is, to put it kindly, an absolute retard (WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ANDREA? I MISS YOU). MY GOD SHE IS THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON EVER. She saw a picture of my other co-worker's boyfriend and said "OOH HE'S SO HOT I WANT TO TIE HIM UP AND FUCK HIM SILLY". This is only acceptable if you're very good friends with someone, which retard isn't, so she left my other co-worker completely shocked and a little creeped out, naturally. She also keeps hitting on my other co-worker who, unfortunately for her, is gay. To sum it up, she's an insufferable bogan who looks like a little piggy, which wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't such an annoying person. Don't think it's just me who's bitchy, everyone in my department thinks so as well.
To re-iterate, I hate my effeminate idiotic boss and his silly little piggy worm slave. The job itself is pretty good, and everyone else in the office is a fairly nice person, and it's pretty good pay. However I have pretty low hours (seething hatred everytime I talk to my boss probably contributes) so it doesn't work out that well seeing as it's a second job (tax hurts me more than it should) and I hate working in an environment that is similar to, if not exactly the same as the series 'The Office' (both American and English). Anyone got any ideas for any places that I should apply for a second job (I plan to quit after my 18th birthday)? Throw me a bone? Anyone?