Oct 29, 2005 10:34
So I had an amazing thought the other night while talking to a friend, which would be what some would call an epiphany.
Everyone seems to always be so worried about being totally focused on GOD, that they would even go so far as to say that you need to be focused on GOD before you can do something. Well I say why can't you be focused on GOD and doing something at the same time. I really think GOD wants us to take chances and see where they lead us. This can apply to all aspects of life from careers to relationships. I actually think that this is the problem with the church today is that they are so worried about hearing from GOD that they never do anything, which may be why they are so like 10 years or so behind the times.
Just an interesting hypothesis that I am going to try out.
Oh yeah, and there may be some new poetry coming soon!