Apr 26, 2004 07:45
Well, just as promised, I'm going to write a little about the people I associate with. Well, let's just say that this will be a list of people that would come up in any of my entries. Keep in mind that the names are listed in no particular order.
Alec- My best friend in the entire world. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for this color challenged white boy.
Ryan- The roommate I get a long with the most. He looks like a bald version of Fred Durst with a longer goatee (or however u spell it). He goes to the same classes I do.
James- The roommate that is with Heather Eve. He looks like Fez with longer hair. He's a cool guy. He's very, very, very fucking athletic. He has the perfect everything and so he's the womanizer of the house initentionally.
J.R.- The newest edition to our roommate pool. He's a little weird but I guess we can deal with it for another three months.
Jen- My girlfriend. I'm at a loss for words on how to describe her better than girlfriend...
Heather- Jen's best friend.
Heather Eve- The glitch in my matrix.
Thomas- The blackest person among the people I know right now. He's living with us for the time being.
Dean- One of my really good friends that's also living with us.
Victoria- The Canadian superstar. Very good friend and a wonderful conversationist. If you ever talk to her, consider yourself lucky, not only because of her conversation skills, but she is a damn good looker too. =)
Karen- My buddy in Las Vegas. She helps me through some issues and I thank her for it very much.
Helena- Confused friend that moved to New Mexico recently.
Beth- My mormon princess. She's a morman, elvish, vampiric banshee. lol. Luv ya snick.
Mario- One of our good friends that doesn't live with us.
Ben- A good-off friend of ours that lives with Mario.
Tiffany- Mario's sister that's living with Mario and Ben.
Lacey- Kind of like a sister to all of us.
Lay- Lacey's sister. She's not like a sister to us but more like a "home-girl." She lives with Lacey.
Elliot- Lacey and Lay's roommate. He's a cool guy. He usually seems mad though.
Rebecca- Our classmate. She spends the night with us a couple times.
Anthony- Another classmate. He doesn't hang out with us as much but he's sitll cool.
Justin- Another classmate of ours. Well, we call him Uberman. The reason for this is because he does so much work in our class. He always does about 3 times as much as he has to. On top of this, he has a wife, a daughter and a job.
Aida- Pretty much the newest of our friends. She has a son. She looks like a freak so (in a sexual way) I'm gonna try to stay way away from her.
Trinity- The blackest girl in our group. She brings her dog over all the time and supplies the smokers of the house with a little of her stash.
Connie- Trinity's best friend. Good looking girl but doesn't know how to break up with the boyfriend she has now.
Well, that's it for now so see ya later.