i have to be out by the 15th of june; no later.
i don't know where i'm going to go yet and that sucks.
mom said i need to tell dad to start sending the checks in my name
or if she gets anymore she's ripping them up.
i asked her about any birthday money that i didn't get after i went to live with kari.
she said,"nope i certaintly don't need ur money." and i thought to myself,"well you sure did need dad's money."
yesturday was pretty nice.
rick picked me up and we ran some errands.
i'm going to be getting a tattoo.
i sent in $80.00 to the court to make a payment
and i'll keep making payments.
i hope i get another job soon;
i'd love to work with rick and it would be real helpful.
rick and i talked about money and things i've found out; how much i'd be making a year.
haha. it's a shame that i'm not even out of highschool yet and i'm already having to think about how much i'll be making and having to worry about how i'm going to make a living.
parents are lame.
i wrote my creative writting essay, for finals, on how gay my parents are.
everyone totally disagrees with what they're doing. like i'm being completely honest with ppl. like i tell them the things i've done and how i've hurt my parents. the things i haven't done and the things i've said. but still people think that my parents are crazy for doing what they're doing. i talked to my manager at work, tony and he acutally asked me why it is that parents these days think that kicking their kids out of the house teaches them a lesson? he said that he knows a bunch of ppl that that's happend to and they ended up being the nightmare their parents never wanted them to be. that's sad yet true. what do you think is going to happen to more than 50% of us? the world is harsh and crazy these days.
spider helped on.
"one things for sure i wouldn't want anything like that up inside me."
-points to kotex maxi pads.
the "box" had a sharp red flower on it; honestly it did look deadly.
um all we had to do for this final in graphic arts was clean out our draws and delete all our computer files.
♥ yes
anyways today should* be relaxing.
mom gave me $130.00 and i have $9.00 left in my account
since i made a payment yesturday. i hope i get money for graduation
lots of it because all that i get i'm putting towards my court fines...
UNLESS i get another job cuz then i can just use that money and actually
use MY graduation money for me like most normal teens get to do.
but then again i'm not "normal" to my parents. i'm like the worst kid ever
this entry is long and boring. nothing good. i took some pictures yestuday; of the kotex rick pointed to and the spider that held on to the truck door for like...probably years.
looking for:
some money
pawn shop
for money
i'm amazing
rick i love you baby. i hope you did well on all your finals.
i found that on some website and i though it was halarious
i seriously hate myself
i hate everything about me
i just like picked at rick for the stupidest thing
i'm actually kinda scared right now because...
ever since i've been taking my birth control i've noticed i've been like
10x more over dramatic and lashing out at ppl. like calling my mom a fucking idiot the other night.
there was no need for that.
the one time in ricks car ; eye
and like today. his chest
i think i am like..."seeing things"
even tho rick went to art after saying bye to me
for some reason while i was looking @ my face i got in my head
"he went to take down more trash with lee..."
but he never had time to go to the art room
back to catch up with lee
then walk with him @ the same time back to art
seriously i'm not taking it anymore.
like i literally believed that he went with lee
then i heard a group of guys
and ricks laugh
i accused him of something completely gay
yeah he doesn't have to yell
and he does a lot :you know you do...
but like
i do* feel different about myself.
no denying ever since i took my medication
i've been down on myself everyday
i feel sick all the time
i haven't been eatting
and when i do i get sick
my face is peeling off
i've been a TOTAL bitch
flipping out about the stupidest shit
it's got to stop.
i'm not taking it anymore.
it's not a big deal. i'll talk to my doctor and
tell her again my situation.
rick and i are always carefull and we're always checking.
if anything were to happen there is always like the morning after pill
which i have ways of getting.
so it's technically okay.
saturday is four months
i'm sorry for being so god damn annoying and bitchy.
we'll see what happends like...after i stop taking it.
i noticed that like... the day i didn't take it b/c of mom
like...i was extremly happy and like everything was fine
somethings up.
but i'm not blamming everything on my pill
but you can't deny i haven't been A LOT different lately.
i love you rick