Video Game Time

Dec 20, 2008 15:24

1) What was your FIRST video game console?
My father's Atari

2) Name a few games you played on said console.
Qbert, ET, some game that involved you running from a block duck-looking thing that was supposed to be a dragon, and another game that had different puzzles and traps based off the western Zodiac

3) Excluding handhelds, how many VG consoles do you own presently?
That I actually own, two. I have several other consoles that friends have left at my place. It's like an orphanage for under-played games.

4) Were you a Street Fighter nut? Any character in particular?
I would have Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo tournaments with my friends, but those were mainly to kill time when our parents were having card-playing nights and only if our friend that owned Mario Kart wasn't coming that night. I didn't really learn to love the Street Fighter games until Marvel vs Capcom 2.

5) Do you think Capcom is a FUCKING awesome company with kickass character designs?
I enjoy some of their games (MegaMan and MvsC2), but I'm not a fanatic for them.

6) Here's the scenario.. You had some friends over and you all ate FRIED CHICKEN! After the meal you all decide to play some video games. As your friend reaches for a controller you notice his/her hands are very "greasy." Are you the type that would insist they wash their hands before pawing the controller, or is it no big deal?
Wash your hands, turn the page. Wash your hands, play the game.

7) What's your favorite RPG/Action RPG?
I have an inordinate love of the Chrono series. I have played through ChronoTrigger to the point of getting all the endings (and am presently playing it on DS). I also got all the endings and all the characters of ChronoCross on one game file.

8) Do you prefer 2D games or 3D games?
2D, honestly. I get wicked bad motion sickness on most 3D games.

9) Are you an SNK fan?
I would play the arcade games. Metal Slugs were fun, but hella hard.

9) Are you good at DDR?
Never actually played it, but I want to try.

10) Who wants to kick that dog's ass from Duck Hunt?
Mild irritation at the most.

11) Have you skipped out on important events in life because of video games?
I've been late to work or school before. Also have stayed up way too late.

12) Do you listen to video game music?
I have a few soundtracks, but I tend to listen to the OCRemixes or The Brink of Time jazz mix of the ChronoTrigger soundtrack.

13) Have you ever cosplayed a VG character?

14) Have you ever been in an arcade playing a fighting game, KICKING ASS, and then some 6 year old Asian kid comes in and OWNS YOU??
No stereotypical Asian kid, but this one guy Brandon would always come and spoil your fighting game streak at the arcade.

15) Name three games you would love to see remakes of if it was done properly
Remakes, or sequels?
Bubble Bobble is the only one I can think of as I mainly play Nintendo games, and Nintendo so kindly updates all of my favorite games every few years.

16) Mario or Sonic?
Sonic, but only Sonic 1 and 2. Mario never really interested me.

17) When a movie shows up in the theaters, let's use Spider-man as an example, are you likely to buy the GAME version?
Movie games are notoriously bad. Comic book games are also bad. Movie adaptations of comic books that are then turned into games make the baby jeebus cry.

18) What is your LEAST favorite genre of video games? (ex. fighting, sports, shooters, etc.)
Sports games with shooters a close second. I don't care for sports games (beyond SSX snowboarding games) and I'm terrible at shooters.

19) Is there a game out there that you feel was unique and didn't get enough love?
Bubble Bobble

20) Have you ever verbally abused a game because you couldn't beat one of the levels and/or bosses?
The fucking jump from the last stage of the first Ninja Gaiden - the one with the constantly respawning eagle still vexes me; several of the traps in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time resulted in a severely damaged controller; stage two of the first Ninja Turtles game made me utter my first swear word.

21) Do you own any VG apparel?
I have a few from the internets. I did rock the free Spinal shirt you got when you preordered Killer Instinct from Kay-bee Toys back in junior high.

22) What are your thoughts on the live-action Super Mario Bros movie?
Wasn't allowed to see it. It looked too scary to my parents.

23) On that note, what did you think about the live-action Street Fighter movie?
Why Jean-Claude didn't receive an Oscar, I'll never know. I did love me some Hawaiian shirt-wearing E. Honda and Kylie Minogue as Cammy.

24) Who's hottest out of the KOF chicks?

25) Do you say "old-school" a lot when you're having a VG conversation with others?
No, and doing so irritates the shit out of my. Especially when people younger than I say it.

26) Have you ever lent someone a game and they returned it to you damaged?
My games had a much better track record for being returned than my books or movies. Speaking of, Grace, do you still have my FFVII?

27) Do you own any imported games?
Javi/Taylor Pipe Dream #3 - Import and beat Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix

28) Are you ready for this meme to be over, or could you keep going?

29) In this scenario, let's pretend you're going to get a video game tattoo! What would you get and where?
I would never get a tattoo in the first place, let alone something from a video game.

30) Have you ever cried after you beat a game? If so why?
Boyly tears of joy after beating MegaMan 2. Seriously though, fuck a bunch of having to use a weapon that drops straight down and rolls against a flying boss.


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