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Sep 26, 2006 22:07

how does one become "introspective?" what must be learned in order to search through oneself and find deep truths to expound up and mull over from day to day? i assume that everyone has the ability to probe the depths of their own, yet some are more apt to dig deeper and return with more precious jewels than others. where does that come from? surely there must be some exercise of the self to move within the self. God must have had a reason for us to be able to peruse the lost diary of our mind, but to find that distant tome and decipher its contents is a quest not fraught with peril but with patience and determination. but even then it seems that that-which-is-inside will not come to light even when it is being sought after with much violence. does that mean that it is distanced from us for a reason? that the power of its revelation will prove too mighty for the mind in which it was once dormant? or is it so low in value that it is best left undisturbed and unsearched for? maybe to know God we much first see and know ourselves, not in a graven comparison, but to better see the painting we need to understand the colors. yet the colors, alone in their simple radiance, do not possess the value and worth until they are seen in respect to the great work in which they are found.
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