It's cool, I found this on my friends LJ! She is here: She had this cool looking thing that I decided to copy...hehe.
[Current Clothes] Black pants bunched in a tight line. A blue short sleeved shirt with a parot on it encrusted in sequens. Wool gray-ish socks.
[Current Mood] Alive, Somthing is Happening, Philosophical Penisive
[Current Music] Lion King midi first one, he lives in you!
[Current Taste] Blood
[Current Make-up] I don't where make-up.
[Current Hair] In a bob, sort of brushed not really.
[Current Annoyance] CLARE ISN'T ON!
[Current Smell] Computer Smell
[Current Favorite Artist] Trapt, Howie Day, Seal
[Current Desktop Picture] A blue mountain surronded with fog.
[Current Favorite Group] Trapt! -.-
[Current Book you're reading]A cantical for Leibnowitz
[Current CD in CD Player]Trapt
[Current DVD in player] The Sting
[Current Color Of Toenails] Boring regular gross smelly.
[Current Refreshment] Chocolate-Frango Mints to be spesfic.
[Current Worry] That my mom thinks I am Psycho!
-L A S T . P E R S O N-
[You Touched] Myself ;)
[You Talked to] In person, my mom
[You Hugged] Clare
[You Instant messaged] Mel
[You Yelled At] Gabby
-F A V O R I T E-
[Food] Pasta Stir Fry, SteaK!
[Drink] smoothies ( Jamba Juice)
[Color] Black with pink. Blue! Purple!
[Album] Trapt, Good Charolette
[Shoes] Merrels
[Candy] Frago Mints or Marlys!
[Animal] Dophins, Tigers, Cats, Dogs
[TV Show] C-Span, The Simpsons
[Dance] Hip-Hop, randomly dancing to suff
[Song] Seal- Loves Devine
[Fruit] Limes
[Cartoon] The Zits
-A R E . Y O U-
[Understanding] I try to be
[Open-minded] Yes
[Arrogant]Why would I tell you?
[Insecure] Imagine two metal bars, fifteen tons of steen one hanging tottering above a head of a infant, got that picture. That is how unsecure I am!
[Interesting]I guess soo...not realy I am sadly kind of normal.
[Random] Mediumly
[Hungry] No just ate, chocolate
[Friendly] I am a ice queen, I hate you, you hate me, were a happy family.
Book Intellegent- Damn Strait
Street Smart- Village Idiot
Life Intellegent- I am always learning.
[Moody] I am a ocean, and it's god. What did POsiden do to young boys agaiN!
[Childish] I dun wanna grow up!
[Independent] I am very very dependent.
[Hard working] When I get into somthing I really work hard on it, but usually I forget about it.
[Organized] Yes, all those piles of stuff are organised. See the one with the green mold on it, that is my stuff 1 pile and the one that is labled Toxic waste that is Stuff 2. Okay no.
[Healthy] Not at all, although luck tries to keep me healthy.
[Emotionally Stable] I would like to think, but I would like to think Harry Potter really exists.
[Shy] Depends on my mood.
[Difficult] No, unfortunately.
[Attractive] I could be if I wanted to but I am lazy.
[Bored Easily] Yes!
[Thirsty] I just ate soo many chocolates...need milk.
[Responsible] Not really.
[Obsessed] With the Labryinth
[Angry] No
[Sad] Yep
[Happy] tiny tinsy bit
-W H O . D O . U . W A N T . T O-
[Kill] No one.
[Slap] I am too afraid of physical contact.
[Get Really Gabby, me and her get high off of air.
[Look Like] jennifer Connley, playing the role of Sarah in the movie Labryinth.
-S T U F F-
[My Name Is] Sophs
[All I need is] Hope
[Love Is] A unnatainable goal that we all strive for.
[I'm Afraid of] Not achieving my dreams.
-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[Pictured your crush naked?] No
[Been in love] yes.
[Cried when someone died]Yes, but only because other people did it.
[Lied] I do it and then regrett it.
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] Gabby
[makes you smile] My friends
[who do you have a crush on?] The Goblin King
[has a crush on u?] No one, I am a bitch and unnatractive.
[is easiest to talk to] Clare
-D O . Y O U . E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] Yep
[save aol/aim conversations] Very rarely.
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] Yes, then I could get so many girls mwhahah!
[cried because of someone saying something to you] I cry when people don't say stuff to me, It is mandatory when someone says somthing that I cry.
-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] EWWWWWWWWWWWW NO!
[been rejected]All the time
[rejected someone] I don't think so, but I probably did it unkowningly.
[been cheated on] I have never had a guy.
-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone] Laura Neelson
[you laughed with] Gabby + Clare
-D O . Y O U / A R E . Y O U-
[obsessive] About the LABRYINTH!@
[could u live without the computer?]If I have enough to do.
[color ur hair] I want to.
[habla espanol] Np
[drink alchohol?] No, tastes gross.
[like watching sunrises or sunset] Sunsets are pretty, but I have a limted attention span,
-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken?: Too many to count.
of hearts I have broken?: Probably millions.
of girls I have kissed?: EWWW NO!
of guys I have kissed?: 0
of tight friends?: 2
of cd's that I own?: Like thirty!