My terrible Neopets story..

Feb 15, 2004 21:07


Authors Note: I dedicate this story too pupster78 who was my editor my reader and my number one fan J Thanks so much also thanks to all the people at NTWF forum. You are the greatest!

The night was cold, and Mazuki felt herself smile slightly, the smile slowly tugging at her lips growing wider and wider.


Mazuki the Uni whopped wildly rearing up on her hind legs. However her strength soon left her, and she stomped at the ground with a huff. She shook her mane, beads of sweat broke off in all directions, as if running away from the bad odor the Uni was making. The mail pack bounced off of her blue fur, the mail inside swirling slightly. Panting she laid down failing to notice a letter that swirled down and out of her pack.

After a few labored breaths and a few seconds she pushed her self up again and the letter caught her eye. It was written on pretty papyrus paper and the hand writing was script like and loopy. Mazuki definitely wasn’t the most literate Neopet in all of Neopia but she could read a little and the letter entranced her so. When she opened it (using her mouth of course) she gazed in wonder at the frayed paper. Her eyes grew bigger and bigger as she read the note.

Dear Dr. Slot

Your shipment of

ai guns will arrive on Monday.


avim - Lost Desert

Someone in the lost desert must by consorting with sloth, and while she ripped up the letter she must have cut up some of the words explaining the cut up words and the chopped up sentences.

Mazuki looked down at the dry dusty ground, unsure of what to do. If she told someone that she had opened the letter in the first place, she could lose her job on the express. She made the decision any Uni hungry for adventure with no thought for there sister’s brothers and owners back home would make, she decided to do something about it.

Forgetting about the rest of the mail and her security plushie in the excitement Mazuki galloped off too the east, to the lost desert back where she had come from instead of the haunted woods, which was her next destination.

Mazuki soon tired of the landscape that she had seen previously and she slowed down to a canter, then a trot, then a labored walk, kicking up dust as she went.

“I don’t think I went..”

However as soon as the words were out of her mouth she found herself at the edge of the city, dunes rising and dipping in a graceful manner covering the magnificent view. The loud voice of a Kyrii rang out through the city and the empty dunes.

“Soyouwantsomeappledoya? I shee.”

The accent was fast and like nothing she had ever heard before, it sounded as if the Neopet was speaking through clenched teeth. Mazuki trotted towards the sound, her ears perking up as the sound of incessant babble drew nearer and nearer.

“This baguss ain’t good fer nethin shee?”

The voice yelled again to what he thought was the empty dunes. Soon rounding a couple of sand dunes, the voice became a bit louder and louder, soon Mazuki was twitching from the volume of the filibustering.

By the time she had rounded a particularly large sand dune Sakhment was visible. The towers were there in all there glory curving about the endless waves of sand like a peophins fin above the crest of the wave. For a moment the sounds of bartering blocked out the large obnoxious voice. The clatter of wheel on cobblestone and the sound of the whistling wind waltzing and tangoing with the dry parched sand, however Mazuki’s reverie was soon ended because the Kyrii couldn’t stay quite for more than a couple of moments.

“Ahh lerk here is a gerd cust-omer.”

Mazuki turned, realizing that she was being spoken too.

“Uhhh, hello.”

She said uncertainly, not sure where to direct her blank gaze. Her eyes darted around for the master of the voice and she found him. He was stout and squat Kyrii his mane a sandy color. He was dressed and painted in desert garb. His eyes were beady little greedy dots, but his mouth was the most disturbing thing of all. It was huge, abnormally so it formed almost a gaping abyss in the middle of his face.

Mazuki found herself staring at him for about a minute and he found himself staring at her back. He leaned nonchalantly on a wooden cart on which hung a variety of things from technical imported space ware from virtu-pets to fresh berries from Meridell. Under his foot was a squashed baggus that moaned unhappily as he tapped his foot.

“And yer name iz?”

He questioned, then he cocked his head, as a Petri would do. As he spoke he sent a rain of spit her way.

“I am Mazuki do you know anyone by the name of avim or something of that sort?”

She queried shyly. He grinned broadly showing many a chipped tooth.

“I em Pavim if thas be who yer looking fer?”

Mazuki drew in a sharp breath, this Pavim character was every bit as sinister as she imagined a sloth minion would be. Her mind raced : ‘What to do next, pretend she was from sloth? That would do, yes that would be perfect!’

She grinned trying to be as evil as un-unily possible, which was quite hard, because although uni’s can be mean and cruel, they are rarely wholly evil.

“I have a message from the doctor if you know what mean?”

She winked at him after she whispered and raised and lowered her eyebrows a couple of times, he looked flustered. ‘A good act, very good.’ Then he grinned just as wickedly as he had before.

“Rrright this way, whet doez the Dr want?”

He motioned to a little side trail after he replied to her statement, breaking away from the main road the trail lead to a large building. He motioned her again more hurried and though he wasn’t talking he still managed to send a barrage of spit her way as the moved down the path, Mazuki tagging along. He tried to start of small talk.

“Ser whet doez dr like on hiz salad?”

He questioned, bored.

This was a bit of a strange question for Mazuki because as far as she knew Dr. Sloth did not eat salad but she assumed, this was to question her knowledge so she kept silent.

Pavim didn’t have time to start up more small talk because they were at the large building. It was sand colored and made of bricks of mud that had been set out on the hot summer sun to dry. Pavim dug around in his pockets of his tunic. He pulled out a golden key, and inserted it in the lock. The door slid open.

“Ere we arrre, now yer arrr trapt and I have all my evil ninjas to exact revenge.”

He snickered.

At this precise moment forty two neoninja’s dropped down, one landing with a hearting a clunk, the Skeith too heavy to be agile.

Mazuki pulled out a rainbow gun however the ninja’s merely circled closer their bronze short swords drawing ever nearer. It was a tight snap a very tight snap. Her whole life flashed before her and one scene stood out.


A younger Mazuki is whining and crying and then swallowing the piece of omelet her owner had so carefully placed in her mouth she let out a ear piercing scream

“That’s it!”

Exclaimed Mazuki softly to herself.

She screamed, all the ninja’s covered there ears in disgust a couple of them so disturbed peeled off their skin tight suits revealing rather flustered Petris, Peophins and Wockys. One particularly angry Petri flew out the window grumbling grumpily, seeing this all the neoninja’s that could fly took off escaping through the huge windows that was open letting in the warm sun and the cool breezes. All of the other neoninja’s escaped through the back door. As they left a few sentences wafted over to Mazuki’s alert ears.

“I can’t believe I took this job.”

”Can you say eccentric!”

“That’s the third false alarm this week.”

The Kyrii looked even more bewildered. After all the animals left the Kyrii stammered his eyebrows creased in worry and confusion.

“What are you doing, didn’t Dr. Slotria teach you our secret handshake?”

Mazuki eyes widened and soon she too was stammering.

“You’re what?”

He looked at her then narrowed his eyes and snapped.

“You aren’t really a messenger are you?”

Mazuki looked around carefully then sighing spoke.

“ Your right I am not.”

At this point Pavim let out a very loud and very snide snicker. Mazuki grinned weakly hoping that she could get out of this. Pavim raised his eyebrows then grinned too.

“It was quite obvious.”

He stated plaintively. It was at this moment that Mazuki noticed the absence of the annoying drawl in the Kyrii’s voice.

Mazuki questioned.

“What happened to your accent?”

He looked at her, his _expression becoming world weary, then in a deflated voice answered.

“You’ve got a story and I’ve got a story, I am sure we are both eager to tell them.”

This was a strange statement, because it was obvious that neither she nor Pavim was particularly thrilled to tell their story, but much so to listen to the others.


She said matching his deflated tone quite well but, trying her best to be enthusiastic.

“You go first.”

Pavim announced. Mazuki resignedly took a deep breath and began.

“You see first I was out delivering mail when...”

It took a while and they both became tired of standing. Pavim sat down on one the brown crates, and she laid down below him. His eyes widened in surprise and then laughter. After she was finished there was a slight silence.

“Well I mine is a bit longer, but you did tell me yours.”

Pavim muttered reluctantly, sighing then stood up shook himself off and sat down again.

“Right it all started a long time ago. I was merely a young Kyrii and my father was a very wealthy merchant though he followed a strict code of honor…”

Pavim stood looking at his father expectantly paws held out a greedy twitch on his lips, but in his eyes he still held some respect.

“Father please just a couple neopoints pleeaaase!”

“At that time I was always gambling, be it Scorchy Slots or The Wheel of Excitement. Inflation was lower too so a couple neopoints then was about your equivalent of a thousand.”

Continued Pavim. Mazuki’s eyes widened, she would never dream of asking her owner for that much, but then again they always were always a little tight in the neopoints department.

“Anyways back to the story after my father retired my father gave me the business , and I did quite well with it, however my father always liked taking the honorable route and I was willing to take paths that conflicted slightly with his. I however always was a pleaser and loved my father deeply, so I stopped going on paths that might conflict with his. I was doing just fine and my father was mighty proud too, then I met Dr. Slotria.”

The day was cool and brisk, but no one could feel that from inside the sweltering green house. A tall Lupe stood checking his stop watch every once in a while then finally sighing sat down on the wooden bench, impatient. Finally the person he appeared to be waiting for arrived. A Kyrii dressed almost as handsomely as he entered the room with a swagger.


The Kyrii (Pavim) looked around then moved his hand in a sort of swirl, then curtly bowed.

“My name be Pavim.”

Unlike now Pavim’s grammar reflected that of nobility. The Lupe smiled wryly and motioned to the bench to sit down.

“You see Pavim; I don’t do such curt formalities I prefer eccentric ways of greeting.”

The arrogance and contempt the lupe’s voice held was astounding. Thus it was obvious to anyone in hearing range why the Lupe didn’t ‘do’ formalities, he was above everything. Pavim shrugged having much exposure to arrogance it seemed to just slide off of him. Pavim replied to the unasked question nonchalantly.

“I have an offer for you.”

The Lupe again looked slightly ruffled.

“I have said before and I shall say again I do not ‘do’ curt formalities, how much to do you want for a large shipment of rainbow guns?”

Pavim was more than slightly taken aback; however acting was a very important skill in being a merchant so he held his poker face.

“5,000 neopoints?”

Pavim questioned.

The Lupe shrugged imperturbably then drawled.

“Done. We shall communicate from letter by now on unless you have something extremely important to say to me.”

The Lupe waived his hand and went back to staring at a plant as if watching it grow were more interesting than anything Pavim had to say. Pavim quietly tip-toed out of the greenhouse.

“Now he has been buying up all of our wares and for a good price too! My father is against it saying it isn’t good consumer ethics, and as punishment he makes me patrol the streets with a horrid accent like a common beggar.”

Mazuki would have liked to point out that he wasn’t acting like a common beggar at all, but that would’t solve anything.

“Why don’t you just always have one of everything you sell to him left behind in the warehouse? Then if your father asks you if you have any wares left in the warehouse to sell after your shipment to Dr. Slotria you can say yes!”

Mazuki stumbled over the words as the planned formed in her mind. Pavim grimaced at the thought of even half lying to his father but the humiliation he could take no longer!

“Thank you so much!! That would be perfect! You are a genius!”

He cried.

Mazuki grinned, for once someone made her feel smart instead of just strong and beautiful, she hugged Pavim. He looked quite abashed.

“No problem!”

She stated, smiling.

The End
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