Dec 30, 2008 00:28
I just found out that Samantha Parkington was just retired from the American Girl Collection today (albeit a bit late tho). She was one of my favorites out of the collection, not to mention the fact she was one of the original 3 American Girls. If you ask me Pleasant company is committing suicide discontinuing her. She has general appeal since she looks like a lot of porcelain dolls sold in mainstream considering her outfits are tailored to the Victorian era, that was certainly one of her draws for me (I shamelessly admit I like pretty dresses). Maybe she wasn't selling so well, or maybe they wanted to cut costs somewhere so they decided on her. Which if you ask me shows their stupidity since they could've cut other items such as oh I don't know, all those freaking friend dolls like Elizabeth for Felicity or Ruthie for Kit (hell even Nellie, although I don't mind her as much). Maybe they thought she wasn't popular anymore b/c some of her items weren't selling, well I don't blame the general population for not buying that hideous purple bridesmaid's dress they made for her a couple years back. But her other stuff was pretty high quality. I could go through their catalog right now and tell them what crap is gonna lose them money. They discontinued a lot of quality items several times over and introduced a lot of crap items too (the overloaded Today Girl stuff anyone?). Doll stuff aside they introduced some other items that you could tell were never gonna sell (I LOVE miniature stuff, but that stuff they sold back in the day was overkill, or what about those hopskotch dolls or whatever?).
As you can tell I'm very bitter. When I was little I had dreams of shelling out the big bucks to buy the complete collections for some of the dolls, and I still do (but being a poor college student with no real job prospects that's still on hold). My sister and I collected enough of Felicity and Samantha to satisfy me, but we're still missing a lot of their stuff which leaves me feeling empty. Plus eventually I'll have to have a custody battle with my sister, which is why I really wanted to be able to buy their complete collections in the future (in order: Samantha, Felicity, Josephina, Addy, Kirsten, Molly, Kit). Needless to say Pleasant Company has certainly killed those dreams. Thanks.