Nov 01, 2004 17:17
It all started when I called a few people one night. I realized that I had held the same convo over and over and over again. Things were all parties. I held my tounge and I NEVER do that. I played it all off and kept it all going. It lasted untill tonight. I figured I would try to settle things out within myself. I had always wished on people to love me as much as I have loved those that scorn me or whathave you. And then a few did, outta nowhere. And instead of correcting things I HELD MY TOUNGE. I led them on.
And thats just one prob. It grows deeper.
As foolish as it sounds...with all this new found love, even if it was ill-gotten, it was like my goal was achieved and I wanted something more. I now know that I never wanted people to want me. I do not have a clue what I want.
I don't have many friends out here like I had back home. I confine in noone. I hang with good people but they are not exactly what I look for.
I got a place, a nice appartment with a view. I wanted a home after losing mine. This is no home. I have no home. (and isn't home where the heart is?) I wanted a family, so I invited roomates. A father figure and a brother figure. We fight like my family often does, but this is no family.
And then all the Navy crap comes in. I gave all my freedoms to protect yours and his and hers. I gave all I had, because I worried what others thought and viewed of me. I never was myself...I was a good guy...but I was never me. Never Alex. And now I don't even feel as if I am anyone. I need to know who I am. Or atleast who I am going to be.
After all is said and done... I hope I do not wish and pray for many questions are better left unanswered.