My thoughts on trends

Jan 21, 2005 12:26

I just saw a new beer from Budwieser. It is Energy Beer. Contains caffiene, and ginseng and a bunch of other shit. When will the insanity stop? It doesn't stop there. Budwieser is trying to cash in, they are coming out with a Adkins Diet friendly beer, and flavored beers. Budwieser is piss water anyways. People who drink beer drink it for the taste of beer. I prefer a real beer with a bold flavor such as, if you know me it you would know,,hehe.. GUINNESS!

Energy drinks are the new trend. I have been drinking energy drinks for about 6 years now. Whenever I even started to get a sniffle or a cough, HANSENS Energy drink to the rescue. I would drink about 6 cans, and by the end of the day I never knew I was even sick.

You really gotta love trends though. It is so funny to see the trendy bastards out there. How much money they spend trying to keep up with the times and fit in. Take Emo for perfect example. Emo is nothing more than a depressed goth person. The old saying was Im so Goth I'm dead. Not it is I'm so Emo I'm decompossed. Emo won't be around for much longer. Something new will come and replace it. Emo is nothing more than watered down old school punk. Punk music still makes me want to get out and thrash someone. Same thing with SKA. You gotta love the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Rancid, and all the other greats.

Now people, it is time that you stop being sheep. Yes you are sheep. You buy what the HBO and MTV tell you to buy. You listen to the music they tell you to listen to. You feel the way they want you to feel. They do this by controlling your miniscule lil minds into believing what they want you to. It's all about the money.

Which takes me to another point. This was a discussion I had with someone last night. She has anxiety and depression. What does she do, she sees a commercial on TV about how this drug will make you feel better. She goes to the doctor and is prescribed some Paxil. That later is found out to cause depressed people to commit suicide. So, they change her medication. She keeps moving up the ladder till she is on collotopins(sp), which is a stronger dose of Xanex, which wiped out valiums. Now she is in a point in her life that she can't stop taking them. She wants to, but when she does, she crashes emotionally. That is where they want you, prescribing to the trillion dollar a year industry of prescription medications. They legalize certain drugs to keep you hooked and under thier control.

Same thing with these diets. The adkins diet, the south beach diet, and so on so forth. America started getting fat at the introduction of fat free foods. Yes, they put additives in there too to make you addicted to it. Lard asses everywhere think cause it is fat free they can blow hog and eat all they want. Contraire mon frair. What you don't convert in energy and burn off, turns to fat grams. They literally have you by the gut. So what do you do now? Now you go take your fat ass in and spend tons of money on diet programs. That doesn't work, what do you do now? Now you take your even fatter ass in and spend even more money on gastric by pass surgery. Now the full cycle is complete.

Best thing to do, is use your judgement and not buy into all the bullshit. Oh wait, I just bought into it. I'm on the internet smoking a Marlboro and drinking sugar packed Kool Aid.
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