See this face? This is my unamused and angry face

Aug 13, 2008 23:43

I've commented before on the weird and wonderful things one sees on Facebook. However, I was rather shocked to see an advert/link for an essay-writing service. As someone who takes a great deal of pride in having achieved a degree on my own merits, (we'll gloss over my further feelings of failure) I feel very strongly about this. I can't cheat -- I feel too guilty to even copy answers from someone on homework assignments, let alone try to pass off someone else's essay/dissertation as my own. I've had flirts with plagiarism and nearly got in trouble for it -- but from the other side. I showed someone on my course the answers I'd obtained in assignments to try to help them and they copied my work word for word, even the patently wrong parts I'd warned them about -- needless to say, that was the last time I offered to help that person and luckily my previous record spoke for me whilst the other person's... didn't.

Yes, I know it's a 100% legal enterprise to supply a model paper for reference purposes but I'm not quite naive enough to accept this at face value. No, I'm really quite unimpressed and actually quite angry about their claims that they've grown steadily as a business (indeed, doubled in size year-on-year) over the four years they've been around.
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